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warnings: light angst, fluff i think, drug use, and underage drinking

Have you ever watched the person you love turn into someone you did not recognize? I did and it was not the drugs or the parties that changed him, no, it was the need to please his father that changed him. Ward broke my beautiful boy. All Rafe ever wanted was to be chosen by his father, loved by his father, praised by his father but it always came with a price. Everything Rafe did was for Ward. He would leave parties early, miss a meeting with Barry, he would always drop everything for his father. But when it came to me, I was his top priority. Which sounds strange I know, THE Rafe Cameron was in love. It was a special kind of love. He basically owned me and ruined me for whatever boy comes next.But it was the same for him. He was mine and I was his. I never felt so good mentally and physically until Rafe swooped me off my feet. I knew he felt the same. We were inseperable.

It all started at the beginning of summer of 2019... I was at the country club hiding from my parents sipping mimosas and talking to Sarah when he showed up with Topper right beside him.

"Who do we have here?" he said to Topper. This boy knew damn well who I was but of course always had to play games with every girl he saw.

"Hmmmm... not really sure Rafe" Topper said while walking over to Sarah and sitting on her lap.

Rafe tapped his chin with his right hand, my eyes could not help but wonder to his ring on his left pointer finger. God he was hot as hell except for his weird slicked back hair. He's out here looking like 11 year old Draco Malfoy. After that thought I lightly chuckled to myself. "What could you possibly be laughing at?" Rafe asked, distracting me from my thoughts.

Deciding to attempt to be funny and taking the idea from my previous thought I said, "Oh nothing Malfoy" in the absolute worst British accent.

Sarah looked at me confused as hell, "Girl... what" she said, cracking up.

Finally, Topper laughed "Oh I get it, because of his hair.. Haha i get it now".

Rafe moved closer to me, once close enough he grabbed my chin with his hand. The coldness from the metal ring on his finger pressed against the bottom of my cheek causing shivers to go down my body. His thumb grazed my lips just barely touching them, I looked away embarrassed but something was telling me to look up. I looked into his eyes then down to his lips then back up. I read online somewhere that doing that made boys fall in love with you but was not so sure how true that was.

"I feel like you are making fun of me sweetheart. Is that really how you want this to begin?" He asked with a smartass tone. I shouldn't be turned on right now but damn can a 18 year old virgin live. He let go of my chin chuckling at my expression after the loss of contact.

"C'mon Top, quit sucking faces with my sister and let's finish our game" Topper stood up and grabbed his club and started to walk away. Before Rafe walked away he snatched the mimosa glass out of my hand, after chugging it he set it back in my hand, sent me a wink and then ran after Topper.

I looked at Sarah "What the fuck just happened?"

"Honestly could not tell you, I wouldn't think about it too much. You know how he is with girls... such a dick" she said before running to go grab us both a new drink. I just sat there staring at him from afar.

Everyday after that I saw him everywhere which would not be that big of a deal since figure 8 was only so big but, it was weird. One night two weeks after the country club, Rafe was of course throwing a party since Ward and Rose were out of town on business and Wheeze was at her friends. Sarah came to my house to pick me up early to pregame. When we got back to Tannyhill Topper was already there and I already knew I was going to be left by myself. Sarah hurriedly hopped out of the car and ran into the house. I slowly walked behind her and walked into the house. I could hear Rafe on the phone with who I assumed was a dealer of some sort.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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