Chapter 1: Lost in the forest

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Raven where are we?
I don't know Apple I was certained Ever After High was this way.
Don't worry i will call my animal friends little creatures hello are you there we need you...I'm certain there coming...any minute now...
Apple there not coming were never gonna get out a...there come on. Raven wait for me! (a lot of running later) (breathing heavily) Ahhh! Apple what is it? I'm such a mess! You've gotta be kidding me.(swiping off the dirt of the dirt of her Clothes) come on Apple we need to find away out of here or we never get home! wait Apple what is that?
What is what? that!
It's a door knob? ...?
What is a door knob doing in the middle of a forest!?
I don't know maybe if we open it we'll get back to Ever After High (Apple opens the door and gets sucked in a portal)
Apple! Woah!
Narrator1: Apple and Raven both ended up on a mysterious place called
Narrator2: I want to tell it it's my turn!
Narrator1: Fine!!
Narrator2: it is called Luminaria it is were lost sons and daughters of fairy tales dwell or stay until someone can find them. Will Apple and Raven be the one who will get help them go back to Ever After High?
Brooke Page: I know the answer it's...
Narrator1&2: Know what have we told you about spoiling.
Brooke: Ughhh!

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