A New World, A New Life: Gusya 1

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I died.. well I guess it's for the best. All my life I've always been bedridden because of an illness that struck me 10 years ago. The Doctors were unable to diagnose what my illnesses are but all they knew was that I was not going to live for long, and I remember proving them wrong for 10 years. I also remember the sadness in my family, I can clearly see the sadness in their eyes whenever they see me. Ahh.. I wonder what happens to them after I passed away now, hopefully they can find their happiness in my passing. I don't want them to drown in sadness, I want them to be happy. In any case what happens to me now? I can't really see anything this place is really dark and honestly? It's not that bad but it's kind of anticlimatic since i thought there's going to be a God that appears in front of me and said some God phrases that they always say to a new soul that has passed.

"Yo!" a sound echoes in the infinite darkness.

I looked around to see if there was someone, but there was no one. It must be my imagination, wait is there such thing as imagination when you are already dead?

"Well, you can still think right so yeah you could still imagine stuff when you are already dead, but! I'm no imagination."

Right I could still use my Imag-- Wait a minute..

"Shocked huh? well kid you can think of me as a God or a deity, or whatever"

As the word Echoes, the darkness that envelops me starts to dissipate and a silhouette of a person starts to form. It starts to form a silhouette of a young adult or probably a teenager.

"Alright, now we can talk way easier now." as The God said that they start to change the place into a normal Living Room that you can see anywhere in any normal household.

"My Name is Aelan, and as you can see I'm a God" they smiled, "And I'm talking with..?" Their hand gestures to me, asking for my name.

"...." nothing comes out, huh... that's weird? my Voice is not coming out.

"Ah wait a minute. I forgot that when a person died and if they are in their Spirit Form they can't speak." Aelan said as they scratched their head.

What? that seems dumb, why is that?

"Because we can just read your minds, so there's no need to speak." They replied nonchalantly.

Wait so you can read thoughts? is it like an Automatic thing that you can do-- and wait did you just said we?

"Yeah. we, it's not just me you know. I'm just a God of Wind, and no it's not an Automatic thing we can do it anytime and stop it anytime."

That so, anyways what happens to me now? do I just get sent to heaven or hell now?

"Well... not quite" Aelan tilt their head a little

What do you mean not quite? is there like some kind of trial that I must pass through?

"No there's no such thing as that"

Then? what is it.

As I said that, Aelan starts to move closer to me, I can clearly see their face features now, Aelan has a fair smooth skin, their hair is Light Green colored and looks very beautiful to look at, Aelan eyes glimmer with a light Hazel color, and they look like someone at the age around 18 - 24 years old even though they're a God.

"Hello? Aelan to Mortal, can you hear me?"

AH!? what? oh i'm sorry, I was just admiring your Beauty.

"Oh my.. even though i don't know your name you're already flirting with me, a God. How bold." Aelan answered mischievously.

Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to say my name, my name is XXXX XXXXXX. Huh? that's weird did I heard my name correctly there?

"Hmm.. your name is way too long man." Aelan yawns and lazily float when they hear my name.

"You know what i'm just gonna call you Gusya." Aelan winks as they point their finger at me.

That's a weird name. Anyways what does this have to do with anything?

"Well.. since you've been rotting away on your hospital bed--"

"We'll be reincarnating you to a new world" Venta smiles widely


"Yep! by the way the world is full of magic and that stuff"

Sure I guess.. I could do whatever I want right? i don't have to kill like the Demon King or things like that.

"Nope! none of that, you can just do anything you want."

Um.. Then I guess why not? It sounds fun.

 "Okay! cool! now before you go and do that you must choose your skills"

Skills? like in a game word sense or like life skills

"Well, both actually since you know you'll be using it the skills you have in your new life" As Aelan said that, they brought out a big board full of words. I'm guessing that this is all a skills that I can take.

"You can only take 3 skills by the way" Aelan points out to the skill list.

Hmm.. there's way too many skills here. But if i have to choose..




"Hmm is that all? I thought you'll choose more powerful skills but, Hey! this is your choice anyway." Aelan floats slowly while smiling widely.

"Right then now you just have to relax. and just let the wind takes you away." as they said that a gentle breeze flow through, it feels nice and relaxing. ah i'm getting sleepy.





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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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