Childhood Memories

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A/N: This is a story that I'm writing teamed up with my friend adinamain thank you so much! This chapter takes place with them all as kids.


I sit in my bedroom, my fingers gliding over the piano keys. I love music so much, I especially love singing and some day when I'm an adult I want a job with music.

All I know how to play is twinkle twinkle little star, so I just play the keys again and again, while singing along and making a few mistakes.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are..." I get about there for the 3rd time until I hear a tapping noise. I turn around and hear the noise is coming from the window.

I cautiously stand up and walk over, opening the window... before getting hit in the forehead with a small rock.


"Sorry Dawn!" I hear my friend Ichy say my name and I open my eyes while rubbing my head

"That's fine, what do you want?" I ask him and I see the other guys beside him. "Hi guys!" I yell to them and they all wave at me.

"Can you play today, or do you still have to pack?" Haru asks me and I think for a moment,

"Wait, let me ask mum!" I run away from the window and go ask my mum, she said I could play with them for a little bit, that I should be with them before we move away.

"Hi guys!" I say as I walk outside and they all greet me warmly.

"Yay! Dawn can play!" The only girl in the group apart from me, Richy says. She is so cute, she crys at the littlest things people say to her.

"Why do you have to leave tomorrow?" Tak asks me and I look him in the eyes, sorry.

Before I said that Im moving away, and I am. My mum, dad and I are moving to Los Angeles, they said it would be better for me to go to school there.

"You guys know that I don't wanna move, but mum and dad are making me..." I say and I try not to let the tears fall. Ryu hugs me and so do the other guys.

"Don't be sad! C'mon you can only play for a little bit right? lets go to the park!" He says and we all yell in agreement.


At The Park

"I wanna play on the swings!" I yell an Tak yells after me.

"Me too, wanna race little duck?" He asks me and I giggle at the nickname 'Little Duck' that he always calls me.

"Sure, but you're gonna win again!" I say and we both run to the swings, Tak beating me as usual.

"Aha I knew you were gonna win!" I say and sit on the swing, he sits on the one next to me. I try swinging and find that my legs are too short to reach the ground.

"Do you want me to push you?" Tak asks me and I shake my head.

"No it's okay," I say trying to get it but it still dosent work.

"You shouldn't try and act tough, you're a girl." Ichy says and starts slowly pushing me.

"Girls can be tough too!" I say and puff my cheeks out, and he laughs.

"You look funny like that."

"Thats not nice Ichy!" I say and this time we both laugh. He keeps pushing me in silence and before I know it, I've started humming.


"Are you humming? I heard you playing the piano before we came to your house." He stops pushing me and I turn around.

"Yeah, I really love music." I say happily and he smiles,

"Do you wanna musical job when you grow up?"

"Yeah! What do you wanna do when you grow up?" I ask him and he thinks for a second.

"I wanna be a baker and make cakes!" He says and I smile,

"You should do that! I love the cakes you make!" I say and his smile grows wider.

"Hey come play on the slide with us!" I turn around at the sound of Ryu's voice and see him, Haru, Tak and Rihito at the top of the slide,

"Sure! wait for me!" I jump off the swing, grab Ichy's hand and run to the slide.

Me and my friends play for the rest of the day before I have to go home. They all walk me home so we can say bye before tomorrow.

"We're gonna miss you Brooke." Haru says and I'm trying not to cry.

"Promise me that you'll eat all your vegetables when your gone." Ryu says, I nod my head.

"Ehh, D-dawn..." Thats all Richy could say through her tears.

"Aw please don't cry, you'll make me feel guilty." Tak says and I laugh a little from his statement, even though the tears have started falling.

"Yunno it's gonna be boring here without you." Ichy says and I shake my head.

"Please don't say that, you'll make me feel bad." I say and I start crying harder. Haru hugs me, followed by Ichy, then Tak, Richy and Ryu. We all stand in front of my house, crying our hearts out. Im gonna miss you guys...

"I cant believe this might be that last time we'll see each other." Richy says and Ryu speaks up.

"No it's not the last time we'll see each other, promise you'll come back Dawn." He looks at me with pleading eyes and the other guys follow.

"Yeah... I'll make sure it's not the last time we see each other." I say and we hug again, before we all have to say goodbye.

Hello:3 welcome to my new story and my first story EVER that I'm writing with someone else, I hope you love it Thanks for reading❤️

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