Long way from Lima

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Santana isn't the biggest fan of flying. Infact, she hates it. It's not the being in the air, miles above the ground that she hates, but more being in a small space with annoying people she's never met that really brings it down. Not to mention the babies that always seem to have something to cry about.

But nevertheless, she manages to control the urge to jump off the plane and instead remains in her seat for the duration of the flight.

Her parents are... let's just say well off. They go to a new holiday destination every summer. Except this time, Santana really needs it. After the hell of a year she's had, and the fact that she's going into senior year, she desperately needs the two-week long break she's about to have. Plus, she gets to actually wear her new bikinis her and Quinn brought that one time they went shopping, since Lima doesn't really have bikini weather. It doesn't even have a beach, but that's besides the point.

Once she got off the plane and waited way too long for her suitcase to come around on that conveyor belt thing, she actually got to step out of the airport and into her new paradise. She could see the beach in the distance and really, for such a small island that it is, it has a lot going on. But at the same time it all seems so relaxed. It's totally Santana's vibe.


By the end of the day, the Lopez family had checked into their hotel and unpacked everything, and were now sitting at a dinner table, waiting for the drinks they ordered.

It was actually really hot, considering it was 7 at night. And the restaurant was located on the beach, with a veranda that led down to the sand. It was actually pretty nice.

"Santana, does that lady over there look familiar, or is it just me?" Santana's Mom, Maribel, asked. Santana looked over to where her mother was looking and...

For crying out loud.

She did not need this. The whole reason she wanted this holiday was to get away from everything involving that damn highschool she attends.

"Uh, yeah, that's one of the Moms from McKinley." Santana breathed out. She was hoping to whoever the hell is up there that she didn't have to see anyone from Lima for the rest of her trip.

"Isn't her daughter on the cheerios with you Santana?" Her father asked, to which she nodded. The waiter came over and gave them all their drinks. Santana sipped on her lemonade and tried her very best not to look over Ms. Pierce's way.

"We should go say hi to them. Funny that we both came to the same place." Maribel said. Santana went wide eyed because hell no. She was not going over there and she certainly wasn't saying hello to anyone.

She wasn't, but apparently her Mom was.

Oh God.

She watched in fear as her Mom tapped Ms. Peirce on the shoulder. They smiled as they talked to each other and hugged. This couldn't be going worse.

Actually, it was going really well considering Maribel had been gone for about 5 minutes and the two women were still talking adamantly. Santana was chewing on her straw as she prayed for the best possible outcome. Which would be that her Mom comes back and they get on with their holiday like nothing happened.

And, actually, it's looking like it might go that way considering the fact that Maribel was walking back now. Santana sat up a little straighter and awaited what her Mother was going to say.

"The Pierce's invited us to go sit and have dinner with them."


That was the worst thing that she could've said.

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