┊⭒˚.chapter 9: a leader

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My man Woonhak be looking FINE asf and those live vocals 😩😩✨

Using the manga version again because I just physically cannot type on my phone while watching the anime.

However, it should still be as long as episode 9 even though the manga might be more than a chapter long.


"Normal Text" = Japanese
"Bold Text" = English
"Italicized Text" = Bahasa Melayu/Malaysian
Bold Italicized Text = Character Card
Bold Underlined Text = Voiceover
[bolded square brackets] = author's note/commentary


The sun shines, basking the H-shaped building with a bright light. The clouds and the weather were just perfect.

Not too hot, not too cold, not too windy. Just perfect. Everything was perfect.


Midoriya made a face of horror as a reporter literally shoved a mic into his face, "What's it like learning from All Might?!" She said forcibly.

"U-uhm I'm due at the Nurse's office!!" Midoriya ran away, leaving the Kokotiam to deal with the media.

Boboiboy approached them but was stopped by Fang. The purple-haired boy gave the other a look, telling him that he'll deal with it.

As much as Fang loves the media and attention, he would not tolerate this type of behaviour. He never had to go against these types of people back on his Earth or anywhere else in his universe because they were all at least respectful.

"Please do not ask these questions. You are bothering the students here." Fang stated, it was more like an order.

The lady rolled her eyes and approached another student, this made Fang furious. 'How dare she ignore me!!' His thoughts could be obviously read as the Kokotiam just pushed him towards the entrance.

The media had approached Uraraka who was behind the Kokotiam. "Tell us what the Symbol of Peace look like when he's teaching?!" They asked yet again.

"He looks... uhm, super muscly?!" Uraraka replied, a bit confused herself. The answer was alright but the media wanted MORE.

So they approached another student, "Tell us about All Might as a teacher!!" The media demanded from Iida. This was a mistake on their part.

"Everyday with him is a reminder of the fact that I am enrolled in a prestigious institute with some of the best, of the best students and educators alike. All Might is also quite humorous at times making the learning experience quite enjoyable to say. We have had many experiences as to what it takes to discover what it takes to a a hero, from one of the best heroes. Also.." Iida continued on his long speech.

However the media had once again moved on and found another victim.. I mean, student to interview.

"When is All Might- Huh? Aren't you the kid from the Sludge Incident?" The lady asked, earning a scoff from Bakugou, "Fuck off." was all he said, not even looking back once.

"Geez! What an ill-mannered kid!" She complained, "I believe you're the ill-mannered one." Aizawa said to her, appearing out of nowhere.

"And All Might's not here. He's off today. Now leave. You're interrupting the students." Aizawa gave a 'shoo' gesture as if the media were a bunch of cats, before walking away.

The news that All Might had come to teach at U.A shocked the whole country. The media has been on an uproar that went on for several days.

"Oh come on!! We'd just like to ask All Might about-" She approached the gates ignoring the warnings of her cameraman.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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