Fool's Gold

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Dear Heart,

The time has come where you have to forget things,

Forget people and

Forget memories you created.

I wish I could delete those moments like deleting an app.

But then again,

I have to thank some of them...for coming into my life,

For giving me little reasons to smile,

To laugh,

To blush and

To wake up every morning.

I understand you, Heart...

It is not easy to forget those eyes and the million dollar smile...

You can't make anyone like you, if they don't like you,

It has to come from within.

At the end of it all...

If you truly liked that person..for the weirdest of reasons,

You would wish to see them happy..

whether it's their career or another person.

Because their happiness is your happiness.

I just have these words that remain within me..

You stole my heart on the very first day..I tried to ignore it..but I couldn't

I'm not done yet falling for you.

I don't regret falling for you either..

If she keeps you happy, then she is the one..

And again I'll let you know that She's Lucky.

Thank You, for walking into my life...

Thank you and

I don't regret falling for your Fool's Gold

~Sapphire Castle

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