Warm Touch - Shownu

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⚠️This one shot will contain Smut⚠️

Me and Shownu have been best friends since we were teenagers in high school. I always had the biggest crush on him but I was always afraid to confess my feelings to him. The fear of being rejected was not something I was wanting to risk, so to this day I still hid that secret from him. I didn't let it get in the way of our strong bond and just forgot about it about it most of the time when we hung out. But every night before I went to sleep, I'd always have fantasies that we were in a relationship. If only they were reality...

~Your POV~

Shownu just invited me to come with him on a very special trip to Busan for the weekend and I was beyond excited to go. Busan was one of the cities I've wanted to visit for so long but I never saved up enough money to take myself. I think Shownu purposely invited me because he knew I've never been there. He's so damn sweet.

I obviously accepted this offer and since then I've been trying to decide what to pack. We are leaving in 2 days so it was a bit short notice but I didn't care. I was going to Busan in 2 days with the love of my life! And it will also be just us 2 so we will have some privacy. Not for....stuff like that but. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! It's gonna be so fun to just explore the city and see things I've always wanted to see. And I'll get to do with him which makes the experience even better.

-Next Day-

I finally had my suitcase packed and ready to go when we left tomorrow morning. We lived in Seoul so the drive to Busan would be a couple of hours which I was ok with because I had the incredible privilege of spending it with Shownu. Until then, I just sat in my room thinking about all the fun things we could do in Busan. We could go sightseeing and visit some of the cool places they had there. I could just tell it was gonna be a blast. Shownu already told me that we would be booking a hotel in the middle of city. It was a nice hotel as far as I've heard so that was something to look forward to.

-Next Morning-

Shownu had already picked me up from house and we hit the rode immediately. We sat and listened to music and talked about random things the whole drive. Being able to actually spend quality time with him alone felt so nice. I liked him so much, it ate at me each time I thought about him. This weekend would be the perfect chance to confess my feelings..

We were finally entering the city and it was gorgeous!! The tall buildings towered us as we made our way to the hotel we booked. It was smack dap in the middle of the entire city.

We parked our car in the parking lot and got our luggage out of the trunk and carried it in on a fancy golden trolly. After checking in, up the elevator we went to our room. We opened the door with the key card provided and woosh! A beautiful hotel room revealed itself. Two beds sat next to each other and a decent sized bathroom was by the entrance. It had a huge shower!

We begin to unpack our luggage and made everything neat. I claimed the bed closed to the window and Shownu had the bed closest to the entrance. Next to shownus bed was a velvet chair with a extra blanket folded over it and a tv stand stood on the opposite wall from the beds. A mini fridge and microwave were also provided.

After everything was finished me and Shownu decided to get out of the hotel to explore. I was so excited to go out see things especially with him! This was by far going to be the best weekend of my life!

-after exploring-

We finally made it back to the hotel room after a fun yet exhausting day. We saw so many cool things and I ended up buying a few souvenirs to bring back home. We got ice cream from a famous ice cream place and ate it while watching street dancers perform. It was pretty cool! We also went to a famous art exhibit and even a aquarium!

After walking around in all that heat a was desperately in need of a shower. Good thing the shower is super big.

"I'm gonna shower, ok?" I say to him. He was sitting down in the velvet chair by his bed. "Alright" he said back. I smile and go to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I take off my clothes, turn on the water and hop in! It was such a relaxing shower. It felt so nice to get clean.

Once I was done I hop out and and wrap a towel around my naked body. I look in the mirror at myself . My hair was wet, and my body was warm from the water. I lowered the towel to look at myself. I felt confident at this point in time. I grazed my hands over my body, feeling myself. Wow.

I look at the door and back at myself. I had a plan.

I grab the towel and wrap myself again and open the door slowly. He was still sitting in the chair on his phone. I made my way out and towards him. He didn't look at him. I starred at him and very delicately lowered the towel, revealing my nude body. He looked up at me. His eyes observed my body then he finally looked up at me. "What are you doing y/n?" I placed my finger to his lips to shush him. I begin to climb on top of him, my thighs on either side of him.

He looked at me, his eyes doing all of the talking. He looked amazed yet speechless. I caressed his cheek with my warm fingertips.
I kissed him. The kiss was passionate yet simple, but it slowly developed to a make out in the matter of seconds. He held my waist close to him as his lips found their way down my neck and to my breasts. He kissed them while he used his other hand to rub my clit. Small moans escaped my mouth as he rubbed faster and faster, each second I became closer to climax. He used his other hand to shush me like I had him. I bite my bottom lip hard as to stop myself from moaning. He then picked up my naked body and lied me down on his bed.

He begin to undress himself as well. He started with his shirt. He took it off and threw it to the side revealing his chest, a six pack visible. He then moved on to his pants. He removed them. His size was quite large which made me scared a little bit. This would be my first time, and I was worried about the side effects but I was gonna do it. I wanted this. I've been wanting this for the longest time. I was prepared.

He moves my hands to the top of my head and began to kiss me some more. He held both of my hands with one hand and used the other to rub me some more. My moans got louder as I was getting very close to climax. I was coming soon, I could feel it. As soon as I came close he stopped rubbing, edging me. I looked at him confused. He smirked and then suddenly entered me without warning. It made me moan loudly, the next door neighbors could probably hear us which was kinda embarrassing but at the same time I couldn't help it. He went in and out slowly but got faster as time went by. I could feel myself getting ready to cum. I was super close. "I'm getting closer" I moaned out. He smiled, "good baby"

I was finally there. I cumed, following it with one last moan before he pulled out. He looked down at me and kissed my lips. "God your beautiful" he said to me. I smiled. "Thank you..also, don't tell my parents we did this. It's our secret" I said laughing. He giggled "okie scardy cat now let's go to sleep" I nodded and climbed up into his arms. We covered ourselves and kissed one last time before tuning off the the light and falling asleep

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