It was a peaceful day

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Long ago, there was a group of people who were famous for their strength. 

And not in a good way

It was in a chaotic way

There was a general who lost their army in defeat, an American arsonist, and a soldier with explosives

Sounds pretty unbelievable eh?

Well, here's the story how : 

" Hm-hm hm hm-hm~ "

" hm-hm hm hm-hm~ "

A young teen dressed in blue hums a catchy tune

They hummed as they juggled grenades while walking about through a forest

The birds tweeted, the flowers bloomed, the animals walk gracefully 

" Ah what a nice day to be a soldier! " 

" The pretty blue skies and- " 


( kaboom )

They threw a grenade and ran with pure fright while screaming 


Soldier : " General! An explosion was spotted near the woods. Should we investigate or stay on guard? " 

General : " Stay on guard and make sure every entrance is sealed. "

Soldier : " Very well general Eve. "

The soldier walks out of the room 

General Eve POV : 

(  Hmmm... The woods aren't far from here.... )

(  It's impossible for a single human to cause such commotion )

( This might be a dangerous threat!- )

Deep in thought, the general stood up from their seat and went to the military base 

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