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"Thomas Brine, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do"
"And do you y/n Morgan, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do"
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"
Cheers roar from all around me as I lean in to kiss a man that I had just met a week ago.



"Are you serious?!?"
"Honey we think it's best for you and your future."
I stand up from my seat at the dinner table in rage.
"I don't care how good it is for my future, I don't want to get married especially to some man I don't even know!"
My mom stands up too, slamming her hands on the table.
"Who do you think you are yelling at me like this?!"
I look back down at the black box and papers on the table.
"I'm sorry I just can't believe you would except something like this without even calling me or talking to me about it. I mean I deserve to have a say in who and when I marry"
"Look I get that your upset but your too young to fully understand what we're doing for you and your career! This is what's best for you!"
I look my mother back in the eyes trying not to yell again.
"Im too young? Mom I'm 24! And you guys aren't doing anything for my career, I did this all on my own."
"Oh don't be ridiculous!"
"That's enough." My father finally chimes in. Looking directly at me he sternly says
"You are getting married. You will make us proud won't you?"
I sit back in my seat and look down at my plate. I wanted to make them proud, and I knew that there was nothing else I could do.



" I'm glad we are able to discuss this, I've been meaning to get this kid a wife for a while now." Mr. Brine jokes.
"Yes of course, so have we for our little girl" Mrs. Morgan responds with Mr. Morgan nodding in agreement.
"Where is she, by the way?" Thomas Brine asks, looking around the restaurant.
"She had a lot of very important business she had to take are of today." Mrs. Morgan replies
"Oh, I understand"
"Would you like to see her, is that why you're asking?"
Mrs. Morgan begins to pull out her phone from her Louis Vuitton purse.
"Well yes but I also just wanted to make sure she knew about all of the inner workings of the marriage"
"Oh don't worry baby, we'll fill her in on everything, she's already agreed to it. You'll come to find out she's a very agreeable young lady."
Mrs. Morgan reaches her phone out for the Brine son to see her daughters face. The boy stares at the phone, entranced by the woman on the screen.
"She's a beauty alright" Mr. Brine complements. "Now shall we discuss the matter at hand?"
"Of course" Mrs. Morgan replied.
The Morgan's left that restaurant with a small black box and papers for their daughter to sign.



I stood on the white pedestal, waiting for my mother's opinion on the gown I'd picked out.
"It's pretty but the sparkles are a bit much, I think you should tone it down a bit"
Looking back at it, it was my wedding and my money, why did my mom get all the say? But I listened to her and picked a different dress. It was my third choice but she loved it, so I bought it. Even though it wasn't my first choice, it was still beautiful. The mermaid dress fit me well and accentuated my figure and as for the lace sleeves, well I kinda hated them. But I figured they'd be continent since it was November and a little chilly. We left the store and headed for the Brine house so me and Thomas could finally meet.

I was nervous and excited because to meet this 'Thomas Brine'. I'd seen many pictures of him and he was very handsome. He had big hazel eyes and longish brown hair which he usually wore tied up. My mother had told me he was around 6" or 6"1' and had 'very nice muscles'. I couldn't tell if she was being serious or lying to make me feel better but I honestly didn't care one way or the other.

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