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*at night*

Wolf boy:*run away from hunters*I've need to hide..*tripped and fell*ow!..*saw it*huh?!

Few hunters:*walk closely until saw it*huh?!..*run*aaaah!

Wolf boy:huh?...*turn around*wow

*a giant from nowhere was here because his heart want to save his kind from the dangers...and that's the tale of young wolf boy found a lunatic warrior....25 years later*

??:*look around*hm?...*hear someone called his name "Kaguno"*huh?..Kisari

Kisari:you need to deliver to Mr Zard

Kaguno:oh...I've forgot...*went to delivery hut*

*at delivery hut*

Kaguno:sorry Mr Komball

Komball:you late...*give package*here

Kaguno:OK..*went out*

*at way to Mr Zard house*

Kaguno:*walk until saw a crystal*huh?..*take it*..what is this?...I've will check it later..*put it into his pocket and walk*

*at Mr Zard house*

Mr Zard:thanks

Kaguno:no problem Mr Zard

*at night*


*at dream*

Kaguno:*saw it*what the?

*a silhouette of giants were fight against monsters*

Kaguno:*saw it*what the?!

*at morning*


??:why you look tired?

Kaguno:(it's strange...why)

*at moment...he was chosen to become a Moon Giant..a lifeforms who's from the civilisation of giants on the moon*

Ultraman Okami of the moonWhere stories live. Discover now