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"You need to take Vedant away from here. He's not safe."
"Dada¹, why would he not be safe? This is his home." Veer was getting worried for his best friend, someone who always stood strong in any situation he faced was now worrying about Vedant, his son. This made Veer worry too. There was someone out there in this world with so much power that he could scare his best friend, the thought alone was unnerving.
"You don't understand Veer. He can hurt Vedant and he wouldn't even hesitate to do it. Please, just listen to me. Let's...let's put him in a boarding school for now, please. I promise I'll fix this. Just give me six months."
"Fine. But Dada," Veer turned sceptical. "If he is as dangerous as you say he is, wouldn't he know where you have sent Vedant?"
"And that's why I don't need to know where you are sending Vedant. You are going to be his father for the next six months. Neither do you know me nor do I know you."


Adhiraj had just started his speech when Ninad entered the Assembly Hall, bruised and bloodied.
Adhiraj left the podium and ran towards his best friend.
"Ninad! How did this happen? Who did this to you?"
"Adu, it's okay. I'm fine. You complete your speech."
"Ninad, are you crazy? You're here bruised and bleeding and you want me to continue that stupid speech? I'm taking you to the infirmary. Come on."
Adhiraj dragged Ninad out of there and only stopped at the infirmary. As soon as the nurse there saw him, she rushed to get the doctor. The doctor arrived almost immediately and rushed to check up on him and give him first aid.
A few minutes later, he rushed to pack his equipments and hurried the nurse.
"Nurse, get a car ready. This is a serious case. He has broken ribs and haemorrhage."
Adhiraj stood there in shock as he saw his best friend going away from him not knowing that this was the last time he would be meeting him.

Adhiraj suddenly awakened from the dream, sweating badly. It had been 14 years and 6 months since the day he had lost his best friend. His actions on the last day of school haunted him even now. He had lost his best friend that day and it was completely his own fault.

He had tried everything to get in touch with Ninad but it was as if Ninad didn't want to be contacted. His only hope now was their school reunion six months later. The only way to talk to him, apologize for what he had done and maybe rekindle their friendship.

Having spent enough time on his thoughts, Adhiraj got up and started getting ready for work. He teaches World Literature at a prestigious university in America. A great professor who engages his students in enlightening discussions. He is proud of the work he does and how he engages his students to be genuinely interested in the subject.


"Vedant, I wanted to discuss something with you."
Vedant, who was studying for his final exam immediately turned his focus on his father. "What happened Dad?"

"Well," This was nerve racking. Vedant had always been stuck to him since the day he came into his life and now separating from him felt like torture. It wasn't as if they had never been apart all these years but at most it was for a week or so and even then there was an assurance that he would return home to his son who would be safe and sound. Now, what he was planning would definitely put Vedant in danger, even in his own home so it was for the best that he be sent away. "Vedant, I discussed this with your aunt and uncle and I think it is best if you are put in a boarding school for some time."

"Dad, have I done something wrong? Why are you sending me away like this? Are you mad at me? I have been a good boy, I swear. Please don't send me away."
Why did it have to be like this? His son thinking that he was at fault somehow made him feel worse but this was the only way to ensure his security. He knew he could not compromise his son's safety so he hugged him and tried to comfort him. "Vedu, it's not like that. You have done nothing wrong and I could never be mad at you, kiddo. Nobody wants you to go away but this is important. Dad has to go on a business trip, for a longer time than ever before."

"But," Vedant was sobbing now. "I can stay with uncle and aunt. Why do I have to be away from you all?"
"I know kiddo. I know how hard it is for you to be away from us, I understand but you cannot stay with your uncle and aunt either because they'll be going on this business trip too and we can't leave you here, all alone without anyone to care for you. See, you won't even miss out on anything here as it's already finals week and then there will be a long vacation during which you would stay at the boarding school and after six months, I'll come to get you back. Promise."

"Do I have to?"
"Yes kiddo, it's important or I would never even think about this. I love you too much to be away from you for so long."
Vedant was somewhat okay now. He had not agreed but he was understanding the situation a little bit better.
"Alright, I'll go to the boarding school but you have to promise that you'll come to get me as soon as your work is done.
"I promise kiddo. Thank you for understanding my situation. I love you."
"I love you too, Dad."

A week later, Vedant was at the airport bidding farewell to his father and going to a boarding school with his uncle and aunt. His father couldn't come with them as he had to leave early for the business trip. Just as Veer had promised his best friend, he was taking Vedant away from danger and somewhere his best friend didn't know about. They were flying to India to get Vedant admitted to the Nilgiri Valley School. A prestigious boarding school in Ooty.


"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Malik, to the prestigious Nilgiri Valley School. We are pleased to have a brilliant student like Vedant join our school"
"The pleasure is ours, Dean Vyas. To have Vedant study in not only one of the best schools in the country but also my alma mater is an honour for me."
Vedant had just been admitted to the school and now was being toured around the campus along with his uncle and aunt- no, his parents. Dad had said that it was needed for some legal formalities and he didn't question it much as it was not his business in the first place. It was for the adults to figure out and not a 10-year-old.

Reaching a building that looked like it came straight out of a horror movie -by the vintage catholic looks of it- Dean Vyas ended the tour.
"And this is the boys' hostel where Vedant will be staying. A new wing for the senior students is being made just next to it but for now, this hostel accommodates all the boys of the school giving them opportunities to form friend groups that we hope will stick with them all their lives."
"Oh, I remember this building so well. We used to have so much fun especially after the lights went out and the warden was done making rounds."
"I wish Vedant would also fit in just fine. It takes time for him to open up to new people so I hope he can make new friends and get comfortable here." Vedant's worried 'mother' joined the conversation.
"Don't worry Mrs. Malik. The faculty here is top-notch. We'll help Vedant gel up with the other students."
Dean Vyas was all set to welcome a brilliant student like Vedant to Nilgiri Valley School.
"Welcome to Nilgiri Valley School, Vedant."

A/N: (For non Hindi speaking readers)
Dada¹- Elder brother. Here, used in an affectionate way for a best friend that feels like an elder brother.

That is it for the prologue. A brief introduction of all the primary characters and their personalities, not all characters are here but I feel this is enough to get the gist of the story.
I am so excited to be writing this and I cannot wait to get to the core parts of this story. The parts of canon divergence are going to be my favourite to write and I'm all up for that.
Hope you all like this. It is very different from my usual writing style, I tried to make it more professional. It's still very difficult to write like this so if there are any errors please do comment and help me improve.
The story is all yours now.💜

Author: Shivi

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