Prologue: Meeting You.

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I remember meeting you. By meeting you I stumbled across a huge group of people in which, to be completely honest, I did not notice you at first.

It was not because I did not try to get to know you. In the beginning, other people just succeeded in getting my attention first.

When I first got to know the others I just hoped to reach new friends because at that time I had issues with the ones around me. I had put up a barrier and the only able to really reach me was my girlfriend at that time.

But by building such strong friendships in that short amount of time, I had realized that I genuinely could be myself around them. And in addition to that, I could finally be happy.

When I got to know you, though, and I still wish we could have bonded over something that was not your ex-boyfriend, I had the highest hopes anyone in my position would have had.

You were different from the others and I wish I could explain to you how but unfortunately I cannot.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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