Not a unicorn after all

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   "Not a unicorn I believe" she said sitting across the living room with the horn in her hands.
   "My little heart, I am so sorry, do you want to tell me what happened"
   "The horn fell off, it wasn't real" the little heart continue explaining.
   "So I see, do you want to tell me what happened?"
   "I was out playing in the field, and there it was, playing in the pasture. And you know how much I love horses, and this was extra special because it had a horn! It wasn't only a horse it was a Unicorn, or so I thought."
    "And then what happened?"
    "Well you know how much I have always wanted a unicorn, and this one came right at me, he first circle around for a little bit, then little by little he came closer and closer, until I was able to reach my hand and touch him."
    "And how did you feel about that."
    "Well it was amazing, and we became friends, the best of friends, I would feed him, and play with him, and I would make sure he would be healthy and happy, and I thought he was."
     "Do you now thinking he wasn't?"
     "I don't know, I thought he was a unicorn" the little heart lower her eyes to hide the pain inside.
     "And so what happened?"
     "I don't know" she answered sinking her little face on her hands "the horn, the horn fell off, I guess it was just glued and it wasn't a unicorn after all."
    "Where you looking for a unicorn?"
    "No I wasn't, but I found one, or so I thought."
    "So tell me, how did the horn fell off?"
    "The unicorn liked running free, so he would run through the hills and fields and met all kinds of creatures there. There were bugs, and birds, kittens and flowers."
    "Is good to know all kinds of creatures, you yourself have many friends."
    "Other friends didn't make the horn fell it was the games." The little heart explained lifting her eyes and taking a deep breath as if the next part will require way more strength.
    "There were was a game, the unicorn and I liked to play, we said it was our own game to never share with anyone else, it was call "you and me against the world", and we would have all kinds of adventures playing. We would climb the tallest mountains and we would explore the deep blue sea. But the unicorn love the game so much that he brought in the bug, the bird, the kitten, and flower, to play. And that is how the horn fell."
     "So now you think the horn was glued and the unicorn wasn't real."
Come over here little heart and sit on my lap, and let's have a talk heart to heart.
     "Unicorns are rare creatures that can only be seen by a special kind of heart, hearts that don't get caught up in what it is, by a heart that see the possibilities of what it can be. Have I told you how unicorns get their horn?"
The little heart shook her head with the eyes glued to every word.
      "Horns can show up or they can grow up. Both can fell of and both can stay. The ones that show up, after some time can fell of if the unicorn doesn't really believe the horn is there. The once that grow have more time to see the effects of the horn in their head, having a greater possibility to stay. But if the unicorn refuses to believe the horn they are wearing won't acct like a unicorn and the horn will fall."
     "Unicorns are wonderful creatures that can get new horns but it takes a very special heart to give one to them again. You won't have a problem finding a unicorn because beautiful hearts like you make horns show up and grow. I worry about the unicorn that today lost his heart and his horn."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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