Chapter one.

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        You were having the best childhood you could ever have wished for despite the fact your father was constantly gone on missions. He was a respected and powerful jonin capable of many things, including providing a safe and warm environment for your mother and you. Each day, even when he just got back from a long perilous mission, he would teach you important things shinobi would always carry with them. Of course, he provided you with ninja tools such as kunai (which you couldn't even use until you had reached a certain age), but he always implied upon how teamwork was very important in being a ninja. He had always been there to pick you up when you had fell. He was special and dear to you and your mother. For once your life was perfect, Until the day came when an important S-ranked mission was passed to him and two other jonin. Unusually,it was extremley quiet at dinner, and your mother had worry drawn all over her face. She was terrified he wouldn't come back and he'd be M.I.A or worse... K.I.A. While fear had consumed her, you knew how strong a shinobi he was and that nothing could get the best of him. Later that night he placed a stringy object into the palm of your hands and kissed you and your mother goodbye and went on into the dark desolate woods with his two comrades.

        Weeks passed and your father had still not returned. Tomorrow was your first day at the ninja acadamey. You stared out the window at the forest which he had gone into and was yet to come out of. As you rested your head in your arms, you heard a mysterious knock against the door.

"Hun, do you think you can get that?!"

"Yea, mom i'm on it!"

        Before getting up to answer it you tucked the rest of the necklace, your father had given you the night he had gone away, into your shirt. Dragging a hand up to the door, you finally managed to open it and wipe the sleep from your eyes. Wondering who would bother you this early in the morning, you found it to be a man with dark gloves and a green vest, covered in bandages and wounds of all sort. He kneeled to as close to your eye level can be and asked:

"Can I speak with your mother, please?"

        You held a confused face and nodded to his question. Then turning to face the inside of your house you yelled:

"Mom! Someone wants to talk to you!" Turning back to the stranger you smiled saying "Dont worry she'll come." Even you smiling wouldn't cheer this man up it always worked with your father.

"What is it?" your mother asked putting a string of (color) hair behind an ear. You knew this was going to be grown up talk and was ready to leave, until you heard your father's name enter the conversation. Using some of the stealth techniques he had taught you, you made your way near the two of them and eavesdropped on their conversation.You could tell from the sniffing and shakiness of your mother's voice that she was crying. 'But why? What could make her cry like th-' before you could finish thinking the words:

"Killed in action two days, after leaving the Hidden Leaf Village"

        Had cut you off. You dropped to your knees stunned at how such a great ninja such as he would get killed in action. It was completley unbelievably describable of how empty you and your mother had felt after that day. The sun had beamed through your window and onto your face and you had no urge to get out of bed.

"(name), get up! Todays the day you start attending the ninja acadamey!" even that couldn't cheer you up and you had been looking forward to that for as long as you could remember.

"(name), what's the matter?" She asked sitting on your bed beside your tired body. Your words were useless considering the fact: A. this woman would stop at nothing to get you to that acadamey, B. they were muffled by your pillow (since you were laying face forward on your bed), and C. deep down you were dying to go. Your fathers death had just put you in a really terrible mood. When you thought of going to the acadamey the good out-weighed the bad, so you sat up saying:

"Nothing, I'm just tired is all." and gave your mother a small smile which brought one upon her face.

"Well, you better get going. There's no time for even breakfast who knows how late you must be, now." she replied with a closed eye smile while patting you on the back. Hearing that you sprung to your feet, changed your clothes and sprinted through the front door.

        Your first day was no where near over, and you were all ready exhausted. You entered the doors breathing heavily from the distance you had just ran from home to the acadamey. A man, wearing the same suit as the one that came to your house, walked over to you and asked with a gentle smile:

"Ah, you must be (name). Your running pretty late so follow me."

        You followed him to a door and opened it to a big classroom like structure. It was filled with desks and since you were late other children for that matter. Most of them stared at you as you neverously walked in, but that didn't matter you were there to learn and make yor father proud. Not many seats were open, so you sat by a girl with medium brown hair, and light brown eyes. She seemed to put you in a better mood with her generosity towards you and the genuine smiles she gave.

"My name is Rin Nohara." She happily said turning to you "What's your name?"

"I'm (first name) (surname). It's nice to meet you Rin."

"It's nice to meet you too ,(name)." the both of you then turned your head to the instructor and listened on what he had to say.


It was now evening and your day at the acadamey was over. You were on your way home, until you heard someone call your name. You had then turned around finding that it was rin and some boy with dark hair and orange goggles. She asked if they could walk with you, and of course your anwser was yes.

"Who's this, Rin?"

"Oh, (name) this is Obito. Obito this is my good friend (name)." After hearing that he shot you a friendly wave. With everyon being introduced the three of you walked on.

"No wonder you got there late if you live this far!" Obito said looking around.

"Yea, can you believe I had to run all this way! Just to make it there." You replied leaving shocked expressions on both of their faces.

"Dont worry, I'll shorten the way, once i'm hokage!" he proudly said as the sun started to set behind us.

"Now that is something i'll be looking forward to." approaching your quaint little house you had given Obito and Rin a tight hug goodbye. "Well, here's my house. Thanks so much for walking me you two!"

"You welcome (name), and if theres anything you ever need we'll be right there."  Rin said giving another one of her heartwarming smiles.

        After waving them goodbye, you found that your front door had been already open. Frightened to even go inside you grabbed a nearby stick, just in case anyone was inside your home. It was very dark and you could hardly see a thing, but from the silence of the house you could tell no one was there. That couldn't be the case though, you mom wouldn't just leave the house at this time of day, let alone while you were at the acadamey. 'She had to have been kidnapped, while I was gone!' you thought to yourself. Hot, tears quickly streamed down your face, as you began to sob more and more, dismayed by your parents absence. There was no other place or person you could really turn to, except for Rin and Obito, but you didn't want to be a burden on them. They had been so nice to you, therefore you curled up in your bed and fell asleep. Dreaming that your family was all together and this was just a bad dream.

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