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Harry's POV:
As everyone was clapping for me, Draco entered the main hall. His eyes were bloodshot, with dark bags, imprinted on his pale skin. It looked like he hadn't slept, hadn't eaten and hadn't spoken to anyone. I couldn't look away. He caught my line of sight, stopping in his tracks. We held eye contact, as the sound around me blurred out, all of my senses were gone, but my eye sight. For some reason, the contact our eyes had, felt stronger than any other contact I could remember. It felt like a decade, until I saw his eyes shimmer. As he blinked, I blinked, and a tear escaped his right eye. Suddenly, contact was broken, and all my other senses came back to my mind, as I saw him turn, and speed walk out of the main hall. I looked around. Everyone was still clapping, yet it felt like it had been ages since they started. I had an urge to go after him. So I did just that. Running off the stage, towards the doors. The clapping stopped, and you could hear whispers, a lot of them, my name drifting from person to person. But, I didn't care I ran through the open doors, hearing a tap from behind me.

I saw him run around a corner, so I ran after him. Eventually I entered the boys bathrooms, only tho see him standing over the sink, his head hanging, with his arms hold his weight, on the edges of the sink. I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

I went to put my hand on his arm, but before I could, he spun around, his wand pointing straight at me. He has tears down his face and he looked in pain. "I'm sorry." I said. I knew I had done wrong. I knew what I did.

"Don't you dare fucking say sorry." He said. Clenching his jaw. My eyes started to blur. He started walking towards me, as I walked back. Suddenly my back hit against a cold, tiled wall.

His wand pushed against my throat.
"Draco.. please." I say, closing my eyes. "I know. I understand why your mad-" he interrupted me

"How dare you. How dare you say you fucking understand. You know what I understand? You casted me out! You ratted me out to everyone. I can no longer show my face. I'm not surprised everyone was clapping for you after you were able to rat me out to everyone. I don't want you fucking- I don't want- I don't want to hurt you!" He said. He pulled his wand away, turning his back to me and running both of his hands through his hair. I couldn't understand what he meant.

"Then why did you?" I asked. A tear easily ran down my cheek, as I weakly tried to stop it. My body eased from the tense state it was once in.

"Do we have to? I'm sure you know the answer full well." He said.

"So what, you're scared of your daddy?" I asked. Knowing the answer.

"Fuck off." He said, turning to the door, and walking to it. I run towards him, gripping his wrist. He tries to pull away, facing me. He used his other hand to try to pry my hand off.

His breathing quickens, he stops fighting and his breaths sound raspy. He collapses to the floor. Clenching his fists, I let go and pick up his hanging head. His eyes were rolled back, eyelids twitching.
"Draco! Draco, can you hear me. Draco, listen to me please. Please."

Suddenly I remember sokething I had read in a book. If he holds his breathe he will calm down. "Draco, I need you to hold your breathe for a few seconds." When he didn't, I tried to think of what I could do. Suddenly a thought came to mind. Without hesitating I pressed my lips against his, hands on either said of his breathing to stop.

When I opened my eyes, I saw his eyes wide.

"Why did you do that." He said.

I ignored his question and went in to kiss him again, as he also went in to kiss me. However a sound interrupted us. When we looked where the sound was coming from, we were mortified.

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