Another One Bites the Dust

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Chapter one: Another One Bites the Dust

"Jace wake up" i heard my mom yell from outside my door.
"Im workin on it" I yelled groggilly into my pillow.
"Your gonna be late for school" She threatened

I hauled myself out of my bed and walked to the bathroom still in my boxers. I brushed my teeth and pulled on my black jeans (Not skinny jeans because those things aint natural for men to wear unless they dont have balls). I pull on a shirt and throw on some shoes before brushing my slightly long dark hair. I put on my "Disturbed" hoodie, grab my ipod, and walk out the door without breakfast. Before running down the stairs I grab my "Rob Zombie" print skate board. As I clear the last flight of stairs I put my earphones in and selected a random tune from my playlist. As Avenged Sevenfold pumped through my skull, i threw down my board an began to skate the two blocks to school.

As i approached the front doors, i pulled my back foot off the board, bringing it forward. I put my foot down on the front as I began to move the other, easily fliping the board up and catching it underneath my right arm. I pulled my earphones out and turned off my music as I walked through the metal detectors. I walked right past the gaurds to my locker where I was delighted to see a familiar face.

"Hey hotshot" Said Sadie as I approached
"Not much as usual" I smiled back
"Sounds about right" Sadie said as she grabbed my hand.
"Yup, and I need to get to class so seeya later" I said as I pushed past her.

With that I went to class ignoring a sinking feeling that I had just hurt Sadie. I went throughout the day not careing about others. The whole day was a blur by the time I walked out the front doors and jumping on my board. I rode to my apartment and went straight for the fridge. I grabbed a sandwhich mom had made for me with a note attatched to it. the note read "Here have a samich and go to the skate park, you need to be social, Love Deb (mom)". I rolled my eyes and got my boarding shoes on.


At the skate park I rode over to the bike rack where my buddies always sit. There I saw David and Billy, my two "friends". As I rode by, I caught a snark comment about Sadie from David. I simply shot him a dark look, but strangelyI didnt feel any hate behind my own guesture. I rode and pulled a few tricks to blow off non-existant steam, then decided to instead ride around the city.

A few minutes later, I was exiting the local gas station with a monster and some jerky. as I rode out, a flash of blonde caught my eye. Half a block down the street I saw Sadie.At first I started to smile, then I saw it. As Sadie moved her head I saw a guy from the senior class standing with her. I decided that it was harmless yet I started to ride towards them. As I got near I noticed that the guy was Ryan, an almost 19 year old senior at our school. He was alright for the most part and i had no problems with him hanging with Sadie. I came to a rolling stop near them, kicking my board into my hand.

"Yo wassup sophmore" said Ryan as I walked up.
"Just riding around and saw you lot, though I'd ought to come see whats up" I lied
"Just hanging with some bros and my new girl" Smiled Ryan as he grabbed Sadie around the waist

Sadie looked uncofortable and pulled away from Ryan a bit. Ryan grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto his lap while Sadie struggled to get free. Ryan held her fast and started to laugh like the idiot he was. His cronies soon joined in. I began to get agrivated.

"You know" I said "I actually thought i was dating Sadie there, at least i was this morning. But ya know what? I was never told that we had broken up" I said in an irritated tone
"So what short shit, You sayin you own her or something" he asked angrily
"No no, shes all yours." I said simply. Sadie looked hurt. "However, although I am no longer "with" sadie anymore, you will not treat women as if they are some sort of pet in front of me. Nobody can disrespect women in my sight and get away with it. but i will give you a chance, dont do it again"
"Oh, you mean like this" He said standing up with Sadie.

He pulled her in so she was chest to chest with him. He wrapped his arm around her back and grabbing her breast and forcefuly kissing her as she kicked and screemed to get away from him. With that I pulled out my hackey sack, threw it into the air, jumped, then finally kicked it extremely hard. The hackey conected with his skull solidly. Ryan turned around with an angry scowel coloring his face. I simply smirked and folded my arms.

He charges. I turn to the side and drop into a pushup positionpulling my right leg up to my chest at the last minute. As Ryans foot catches underneath my left shin, i push off hard, spining at the same time. my right foot conects with the middle of his back. he is already falling when the force of my kick hits. i keep pushing, even though he is already falling fast. His face connects with the ground and an audible crack sounds out. I stand up and instantly duck a punch from one of Ryan's buddies. I sweep my foot inbetween his ankels then turn my foot and pull, tripping him as well.

"Well, looks like another one bites the dust" I say laughing at my own pun. "Cant say I didnt warn ya" I began to walk away as I felt someone latch onto my arm.
"Oh my god Jace thank you" said Sadie as she held my arm.
"Didnt do it for you" I said trying to shake her off
"Then why" she asked looking up at me
"Because they were disrespecting and abusing you, a woman"
"Well, you can come over if you want" She said
"We are no longer a thing, you made that pretty clear" I said grabbing my board
"Im sorry" She pleaded.
"Sorry?"I asked "Sorry is when you step on someones toe, sorry is when you trip and knock someone over! sorry is an accident! that sure as hell didnt look like no accident!"

Sadie sat ther and looked down at the ground.

"You better be getting home" I said before grabbing my unopened monster and hackey off the ground and riding off


Theres a knock at the door. Mom gets up from the table and walks to the door. I hear quiet chatter from the door before hearing my mom call me over.

"Hello Jace" Said a large man as I approached the door.
"Yea" I asked
"I am Ryan's father, and I think That you owe my son an apologie" said the large man.
"What is he talking about Jace" Asked mom
"Oh when I was riding earlier I stopped by Ryan and his thugs" I said
"Thats not all is it" she dug
"Well, he was with Sadie, they were loving on eachother-" I was cut off
"So you beat the hell out of him for being with your girl" Mom accused
"If you would have let me finish" I continued "I was okay with it/ It was her descision and i let it happen. then I warned that if he ever disrespected a woman or hurt one physically, Than I would lay him out." I said
"So your saying he hurt Sadie, who just seconds before became your Ex, so you knocked his ass out" Said mom while the other man glared at us.
"Yup" I said as i puled out my hackey. "This was my first move" I said tossing it up then catching it.
"What is that supposed to mean" said the man
"Well" I said as I told him in detail how everything went down. (shut up I'm lazy)
"I dont care what the hell happened! I am a very powerful man! You and your mom need to get out of this apartment before the month is over or else you will both be arrested" yelled the dude

With that he left. Mom walked over the the couch and began making calls. I got up and went to bed.


The next morning I woke up and started to pack boxes.a few hours later most of the nescesities were packedand I started the box up the television. I finished packing and loaded up a few boxes into the back of a moving truck. We we going to Hazelwood, my moms hometown. And my new home.


Yooooooooo sorry for the short first chapter. Ive been wating to do this book for some time now and i kinda ran out of ideas. sorry my lovies.
Chapter title song: Another one bhites the dust by Queen

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