I'll show you the stars

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Fifteen year-old Wanda Maximoff pulled her thin jacket about her more tightly, shivering. She and her twin brother, Pietro, were recent runaways from the failing Sokovian Foster Care system. They were returning from a day of begging and pick-pocketing, to the hovel they currently called home. Wanda squeezed through the too small entrance.

"I should have stayed in Today, Pietro. You know how easily I fall ill when it is cold.."

"Nonsense, Sister" Pietro removed his own jacket, draping it around Wanda's shoulders. He then moved to try block any openings that could let a draft into the building. Unfortunately, there were many of those. "We just need to get you incalzit. Nu va faceti griji."

"I hope you are right.."

The following morning, Wanda had developed a sniffle, and a slight cough. So, Pietro left her home for the day. Her condition hadn't improved much when he returned, but he was not worried.

He tucked Wanda into their makeshift bed, covering her with a large red blanket he had swiped from a market stall.

"Just a common cold. In a few days, you will be good as new.."


"Good as new" Pietro repeated stubbornly.

Wanda wasn't good as new. Pietro tried bringing her lemons, garlic, oranges, any natural remedies he could think of. On the fourth day, Wanda had developed a fever. Her condition had only continued to deteriorate since then.

Pietro sat at his sister's side, clutching her hand. Her lungs crackled with the gunk trapped within them, each breath becoming more of an effort.

Pietro's earlier determination not to panic had been replaced with stone-cold dread. Wanda needed medicine- antibiotics. That much was obvious. Those drugs were usually closely watched, only available with a prescription, which would require a risky Doctor's visit, possibly putting them back in the hands of the State. The only other option was to bribe the Pharmacy. So, what he needed was money. Quite a bit of money, more than was usually obtainable for the average Pickpocket.

Getting what Wanda needed seemed to be beyond him.. But he could not lose his sister. She was the only thing of value left to him in this world.

"Wanda.. Perhaps.. Perhaps we need to go back.."

"No.." said Wanda weakly, coughing. "We are not going back to the foster home. They hurt you.."

"You need medicine" said Pietro. "Maybe it will be different.. we might get nice ones.."

"No.. No.. we can't.." She erupted in a fit of coughs.

"Alright" Pietro held her, rubbing her back. "We will find another way.."

As he set out into the streets of Novi Grad the following day, Pietro Maximoff was a man on a mission. While he was usually quite selective about who he pickpocketed, going for easy targets, he couldn't afford to do so today. He needed cash, and he needed it now.

Today, his targets were as wide-ranging as, well, anyone who got too close to him. A few people gave him strange looks, but he managed to remain undetected. He headed for home, thinking he may almost have enough. As he reached the impoverished street he and Wanda called home, Pietro spotted a rather well off woman who seemed as though she was trying to pass by as quickly as possible.

Pietro looked at the woman, then glanced towards home. He knew Wanda disliked the fact that they had to steal. So, she usually stuck more to begging. Well, as his efforts Today were for Wanda's benefit, Pietro thought, why not try her way first?

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