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Mumbai, one of the busiest cities of India started its day as usual. The scene shifts to the big Sharma mansion.

 The scene shifts to the big Sharma mansion

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Mr. Anupam Sharma is one of the leading businessmen in the country. 

But now he is home hospitalized due to health issues

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But now he is home hospitalized due to health issues. He is in a coma state. Mrs. Sumitra Sharma sits near him and speaks to him about their only daughter Ms. Pooja Sharma. Sumitra seems to be so tired of Pooja and complains to him about her behavior.

 Sumitra seems to be so tired of Pooja and complains to him about her behavior

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Sumitra: Anupam, it's all because of you that she has become a workaholic. She keeps on attending meetings all day. But I'm proud of her. She is making you proud by taking your name in every stage where she receives the awards. Look at these pictures, she looks so beautiful with the award. But my only concern is till when will she be like this? She needs a partner and also she is not respecting our traditions. I and your mom are too tired of explaining to her. She never listens to us. She doesn't spend time with us even at festivals. You made her ambitious but she has forgotten that there is a life beyond her business. I have started to see alliances for her as she also attained marriage age. 

Just then she hears her MIL, Mrs. Pinky Sharma calling her. She goes to attend her.

 She goes to attend her

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Sumitra: Ma...

Pinky: Sumitra, look at your daughter. It's puja time but she won't attend. We need to control her. Did you give her horoscope to Geetha (matchmaking woman)?

Sumitra: Yes ma. She will be coming this evening with suitable grooms.

Pinky: That's good.

Sumitra sees Pooja coming downstairs. Pooja looks vibrant, beautiful, and majestic.

 Pooja looks vibrant, beautiful, and majestic

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Pinky: She is too beautiful as a diva.

Sumitra: Yes ma.

Pooja: Good morning ma and dadi.

Sumitra and Pinky: Good morning.

Pinky gives her arti but she doesn't pay much interest.

Pinky: Enough of your phone calls. Come with us and have breakfast.

Pooja: Dadi, I have an important meeting now. I don't have time for breakfast. Shanti (maid), quickly make me my protein shake. I'll wait in the car. Bye, ma and dadi.

She leaves in a hurry.

Sumitra: Definitely she needs to get married to some suitable boy. I pray that at least he changes her.

The scene shifts to the local streets of Mumbai where a cricket match is taking place. The kids cheer up for Kabir and he is shown hitting last-ball six. 

All rejoice

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All rejoice. Just then Mr. Anand comes and hits him. Kabir is shocked to see him. Anand is none other than Kabir's dad.

 Anand is none other than Kabir's dad

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Kabir: Papa... What are you doing here?

Anand: I need to ask that. You need to go to the office but you are playing here. Come home now.

Kabir: Papa, I'm bored of that job. I'm thinking to do some business. 

Anand laughs.

Anand: Do you know what is profit and loss or any basics of business? Don't make me laugh so hard in the morning itself.

Kabir: Papa, I know to weave a saree, and also I know to do handcraft items. I'm planning to open a handicraft shop.

Anand: What will you do for money? I won't waste a single penny for you. I have worked hard and saved it for your sister's marriage and your younger brother's studies.

Kabir: Papa, please trust me.

Anand: Enough of this Kabir. I'm getting irritated a lot due to your irresponsible nature. Just come home and leave for the office.

Kabir gets disappointed and walks home with his father. He gets ready and leaves for the office on a local train.

!!!To Be Continued!!!

Precap: Kabir loses his job and Pooja decides to expand her business abroad. Later Pooja and Kabir share a romantic moment.

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