Chapter 1: Scintilla

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"Up ahead, sir!" a guard yelled.

Hyuka whipped his head around, eyes widening as the guards drew nearer.

This wasn't supposed to happen. It was a simple mission, really. Break in, distract the guards, steal the pearls. Escape. That was it, easy peasy lemon squeezy. Only that was not what was happening. Right now, as Hyuka froze in terror, heavily armed men were charging toward him, swords already in hand. Someone must have ratted him out. But he could worry about that later, right now he needed to escape.

Breaking out into a run, Hyuka sprinted through the town, ducking in alleyways and side streets to throw the guards off of his scent. Clearly he hadn't thought this through, as he arrived at the docks of his beloved home, Ruby Isle. They must be close by, he thought. Sure enough, he heard the cries of guards in the near distance. This was a dead end. No way out now. If they caught him, he'd surely be imprisoned for life. It was at this moment the guards rounded the corner and set their eyes on him. Fuck, I'm screwed. Scanning the surroundings, he caught sight of a boat. Nothing grand, but it would do.

"See ya, bootlickers!" Hyuka cried, making a break for the boat. Thank goodness those bandits taught me to sail. He steered away, narrowly missing the musket bullet that whipped past the main mast. Hyuka didn't stop to breathe until he knew he was far enough out to evade the guards. When he did, it finally hit him. Where on earth am I?

Time skip - 3 years later -


"It wont unlock if you keep forcing it, pabo." sighed Taehyun. They had been stuck here for half an hour, picking at a stupid lock for some stupid mission for some stupid bandits. Taehyun knew they were trouble. But he couldn't tell them that, could he? It would only endanger him and Yeonjun further. So here they were, risking their lives for another mere bauble.

"Like you could do better!" argued Yeonjun. Taehyun tssked, and grabbed the pin from Yeonjun, glaring at him as he attempted the same. Still, it wouldn't budge. Panic was settling in now. It wouldn't be long before they'd find themselves caught. Currently, they were crouched behind a cabin, in which contained the compass the bandits so dearly wanted. It was on the edge of the town, the last building before meadows that outstretched for miles.


The boys whipped around, to find a man, tall and handsome, cursing as he scrambled to pick up the bottle he had dropped. They were too shocked to react, just stared in silence as the man stood up again. Their eyes met, as the man's face morphed into an expression of incredulousness. His eyes flickered down to the padlock and pin in Yeonjun's hand, eyebrows quirked questioningly. Yeonjun and Taehyun just continued to stay still, holding their breath. Did they really get caught this time?

"I don't think that seems to be working, do you?" blurts the man, stepping forward to examine it closer. The boys backed away, unsure of the strange man and his motives.

"Aye don't be worried! I'm not gonna turn you in. I was just passing through the meadows here, and I heard bickering. What are you trying to pick that for, anyway? I doubt anything worth nicking is in an empty cabin."

"T-thats none of your business." stuttered Taehyun, trying his best to look stoic and assertive. Yeonjun just twiddled his thumbs and leant on the door.

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