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There once was a Being. Roused by the chime of a New Era, they Awoke omnipotent, eternal, and immortal. Coated in mist and scales the color of sea foam they caressed their body with reverence and wonder. Their obsidian skin glistened in a pale yellow light that distilled from the surrounding mist. Kneeling down to brush their hands across the crystalized glass where they rose, they caught a glimpse of their reflection. Thistle colored hair lines their crown and cascades down their spine in long neat cornrows. Crimson markings decorate their long torso and tails, glowing with untapped power. They were unattainable.
Oh how marvelous and powerful they were that nothing could touch them. This being was limitless. Their aura demanded loyalty and light. Their shadow commanded fear and darkness. They would speak and so it would be. They would blink and reality split to be seen anew. Yet, while they were flawless they yearned for more. Being all powerful they desired something which was impossible for them to reach. The one thing they could not understand or create. They wanted a weakness; a flaw, an irrational burden to befall them. They wanted an end and beginning to provide them entertainment. They sought their own demise in this cycle. A blessed stop to their eternal fascination. A line of Never to their Forever. Thus, alone they could be no such thing. So, for the first time since the Awakening there was a reason for two.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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