My life in middle skool so not fabulous!

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So just to get this straight this is going to be journal with everyday stuff that happens in my skool life. There is alot of stuff that goes on and i am going to summarize it i. Here so people can read the craziness about what actually goes on inside skool. I hope you enjoy :) ( also i will be updating this everyday unless nothin really happened and this 100% true!!!) ENJOY:)

Its the practically the third quarter and i really like this guy. I mean like in <3 with him. No matter what i am saying or talking about, he is in the back of my mind. But get this. This is where my fairytale is a twist...

I have liked him for, i dont know, maybe 2, 3 months and thats how long my friend has known and thats how long she has been asking him to go out with me. Yepp! Isnt my life great :( whats even better is that every time she asks he says exactly this every time "No I'm sorry..."

I mean seriously!!! If that is all he can say and if he is SOOO sorry than why doesnt he say yes?!?!?! What is up with boys these days?!??!?!! So i told my friend she could stop asking him and she said one of these times he is going to say yes... I said "yea but if he keeps sayin no then whaat will make him say yes?" that question stumped me and mynfriend for a while and i started thinking...

So it was the next day and at the end of the day we go to the bus riders ramp which is the spanish teachers classroom for our class this quarter. All the buses were called execpt for mine, my friend's, and the guy i <3. ( go figure) My friend came up to me and said " i am going to ask him a question." i didnt hear her so i said " what did you say?" but too late i said that cuz she was already talking to "him". Even though they were right in front of my face, i knew they were talking about me.

So this was their conversation: (their names are brad and shantell and my name is rose)

S: so why dont you like rose? ( she said it in a whisper so i couldnt here but i could anyways)

B: you think i am going to tell you (the rest of the convo was in normal speaking voice so i could hear)

S: yes now why dont you please tell me!!!

B: she just isnt my type and i dont like her more than a friend

S: so do you think she is a great person

B: yes she is a great person but i am not going out with her!!!

When i heard him say himself that i was a great person my eyes just got big and i started giggling and i was sooooooooo frikin' happy!!!!! It felt like i was floating on cloud 9!!!!! I felt sooooo happy!!! :) i could not stop smiling!!!!!! But back to the story.....

S: so you do think this person is a great person?

B: yes but i am not going out with her!!

S: but why??? If you think she is such a great person?!?!?

B: uhhhhhhhhh i aint tellin you anymore ok!!!!

S: please tell me why you wont go out with her!!!

B: well she is..... She is......... she is just not.......... just not worth it.......

( what did he mean by that?!?!?!?!?!?!)

S: what do you mean?

R: hey isnt your bus # 199?

B: yea..... Why?

R: they just called students riding route 199....

B: well that means i have to go

R: bye have a nice weekend ( cuz it was friday)

B:you too

He said that and after he did he winked at me and blew me a kiss..

HE BLEW ME A KISSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! i swear i started floating and laughing like bailey off of sweet life on deck!!!!! I know he was probably seducing me but HE BLEW ME A KISSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was all that needed to make my world go round!!! Well i guess that is the only thing i need to make 6th grade a WHOLE LOT BETTER!!!! i wonder what is gonna happen tomorrow..... God only knows what magical things can happen tomorrow!!! :)

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