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Screaming, it was all I could hear as my scaly, whip like tail, wrapped around the women neck, dragging her in close to me. The high pitch wailing hitched as the large brown, terror filled eyes stared into my cold grey ones. My fangs flashed, and without a second thought, they were buried beep in the humans soft neck. Memories flooded my mind, as her life blood poured into my mouth and an image began to form of to children laying in some tall grass, watching birds fly over head. I could see the children's mouths moving in speech, but I could never hear what they said. The images flashed forward, once again slowing to show the memory this women held of her marriage to the man she loved, the children she adored and finally, the last image, me. It always ends this way, the last memory I see, their cause of death, me. It wasn't bad enough that I lived off these humans like a parasite, it wasn't bad enough that I had to spend my day hiding from people, sunlight, and joy. No, not only that, but I also had to be reminded of the monster I was every time I forced myself to feed. A euphoric feeling passed though my body as fresh, warm, living blood rushed through my veins, but my stoic expression never faltered, I refused to disrespect my victims as much as to show how high I got off of ending their lives. When the rush of blood started to slow I carefully retracted my elongated teeth and let my tail uncurl from where it held the woman against me, I scooped her frail, almost empty body into my arms and sat down on the ground, holding her in her last moments of life. The brown eyes that had held such a bright spark of life not 5 minuets early had been dulled to just the last remaining embers, trying to hold one. I watch her expression slacken and felt her last breath leave her body as her hearts stopped with a last beat. I search though my mind, combing the recently acquired memory's from the women who's body I held, Petra, her name, it's Petra. The lifeless eyes stare up at me accusingly, because of me, she will never see he husband or children again, because of me, sunlight will never warm her body again, and because of me, nobody else will be graced with her presence again. With a sigh, I loosened my grip on her and reached forward to delicately close this women, Petra's eyes for the last time. My eyes burned with blood tainted tears I was unable to shed, my hands, so pale and slender, shook from the invisible bloodstains of so many past deaths. I stood up heavily and rested Petra's body on the ground, making sure to leave her looking as peaceful as I could.
"Petra Ral, may you find peace in the next life, guided by the hands of those who love you. I ask no forgiveness of you, as it is something I have no right to claim. Your life was one of joy and freedom, but it ended in my hands, for that I will be eternally regretful for. Farewell, and good fortune." I whispered mournfully to the now cold corpse on the ground. Turning to leave, I hissed at the pain of her name being branded into the skin of my back, a constant reminder of the price my life demands.

(A/N) Yehet lovelies! This is my first fanfic EVAH, it's prolly gonna be pretty long and I'll try to keep the updates consistent. I'm actually super nervous about publishing it and it's freaking me out! Haha anywho, I hope you enjoy, constructive criticism is always welcome, I'm not a great writer so any tips you have would be greatly appreciated! Toodles!

Fervent Fangsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें