Time to move on....

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Y/N Pov

It was another long day working at S.H.E.I.L.D.  Nick Fury had sent me to look into some old Hydra files. It usually took any other agent a week or 4 days to say the least, but I finished it in an hour. That meant that Nick decided to give me more work. By the end of the day I was pissed off and everything around me just seemed to be going wrong. And it would only get worse.
I finally saw someone who I usually wanted to see. It was my boyfriend-no scratch that- my ex-boyfriend. He was kissing a girl who works at the bar not to far from here. He had even given her some flowers. I walked over and slapped him in the face.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelled, not even noticing who had hit him.
My vision had started to blur because of the tears that I didn't want to let go.
"Ya, you do see me with another girl cuz you're always too busy working Y/N. You never have time to go on dates and do anything with me anymore."
"Do you really think I enjoy this! I'm tired all the time and whenever I'm not at work I'm with you!" I started to yell a little and I felt a fire deep within me start to some out.
         My hands were fisted next to me and when I opened them trying to relax, I felt some warmth between my fingers. He dropped his eyes to them, and seconds after, so did I. They were glowing with red burning fire. I freaked out. But then I realized, it wasn't hurting me. I grinned and placed them up towards the flowers the girl had left of the floor. I don't know how I did it but the burned into ashes. That's when the girl ran away.
      "What the fuck Y/N, you're crazy and a monster, is they why you take so long at work? Have you been experimenting on yourself?!"
"I'm not fucking crazy and I would never do that! But you know what I would do? This." I flipped him off.
"And I'm guessing this is it too?" I said with tears in my eyes. I could tell he was still scared, every time I would take a step forward the would move back.
     "Yes" he said so calmly. " And honestly thank god that you found out Y/N, because I didn't want to hide what me and Roxy had anymore, you were just a paint to deal with! Good bye."  He started to walk away but I didn't want him to. Suddenly the ground started to shake and a thick vine cut through the the ground. It wrapped itself around his feet and triple him before holding him there. I realized.... I did that.
I walked up to him, slapped him again and walked away. He was yelling things like 'you fucking bitch untie me' and 'let me go'.  Crying a little after what happened, but at the same time, I was confused. That night I went to bed crying and a bit excited.
"Am I a mutant?" I asked myself before falling asleep.


The next morning I was called early into work. After putting on 30 layers of concealer I walked into the SHEILD facility at 8:20. I was 10 minutes early, but there was nothing I wanted to do, I walked into my office. All my stuff was in boxes and some of it was missing. "Agent L/N" Fury said behind me. " We have decided to transfer you into the Stark tower facility." He said. I turned around scared and shocked.
"But that's in New York?! Is this really necessary?" I asked hoping he wouldn't make me leave. I loved being in England. Since I wasn't born here I liked the place it gave me a chance to explore. I loved the weather and being around mostly kind people. But the real reason I didn't want to leave was because of my family. I was born in New York and swing the.m again wont be fun. "Agent please don't fight me on this you're too smart to be here and you might come in handy to Tony Stark."
"Yes sir" I responded."Oh...um... sir... something happened last night. I wish to ask you about it." I was scared they would do something about it. I didn't even know what it was but I did know It was a part of me. And I didn't want to let it go. "Not today agent L/N, you can ask Tony or Bruce latter" he said. "Your flight is at 9:30a.m today so if I was you I'd start getting packed up." I started to freak out because that didn't give me time to go get more clothes. Most of the cloths I had were work clothes or sweatpants.
"Agent just pack some necessities the facility at Stark tower will give you a room and some clothes." He said walking out. He stopped at the door and said," Good luck and see you there." I grabbed the box-"Put the box down we'll send it out later today!" Yelled Fury from the other room.
"Okay..." I walked out wand grabbed a quick breakfast from the lounge. I looked at my phone and realized I had 50 min. to get to the airport. I went home and grabbed a suitcase. I couldn't leave my sweats, so I grabbed all I could and put it in. After around 20 min. I was running out of the apartment to the airport. The taxi took 15 min. but I still made it in time. I had around 30 more min. so I walked inside gave the receptionist my ticket. "Yea, take the left to first class." She said. I was surprised because usually we would get business or economy. "Okay... thank you." I walked in and it was amazing, NO LINES. I didn't have to wait for anything. I got to the airplane and everything was awesome. I had my seat and no one was around me. I decided to sleep the way there, it was 7 and a half hours anyways.


"Ma'am" the flight attendant said. "We are landing in 10 minutes, can you please recline your seat forward." She said. "Oh yeah.. sorry." I responded. After I fixed my seat I looked at my phone. I turned airplane mode of and noticed a text form Nick.

Nick: Y/N once you land look for a man named Happy. He'll take you to the Stark tower.

I guess I was time to go Happy, whoever happy is.


Happy wasn't suck a happy person(pun intended) he made me take my Id out even after I showed him the text Nick had sent me.  Once he believed I was the person he was suppose to be picking up he led me to his car. It was a black suv, obvious rich people vibes. But to be honest it kind of made me excited. Nick said they'd give me clothes.
I had forgotten how nice New York was, well besides the traffic I guess. But the entire way I was looking out the window, at the beauty of my home city. Everything I was brought back old memories it made me home sick. All of  a sudden it started raining. Pouring. There was nothing I could do. I thought, it was time to start a new life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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