I different type of family

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"Focus!" Kanan called out. His padawan Ezra swiped his lightsaber to block another blaster fire, thankfully set on stun, only to miss my mere inches. Dashing forward Kanan reached out to grab his padawan before he fell off the ship. His grab fell short and an earsplitting scream filled the air as both of them fell. Kanan the luckier of the two managed to grab the edge of the ship, but watch hopelessly as Ezra fell to his death. He reached up to pull himself to safety but quickly grabbed the edge to keep from falling. Using his free hand he pulled a small device off his belt. "This is Spector 1," his voice cracked "I need some help."

Ezra woke up laying on a soft bed in a bright room. He could hear talking some where outside. Sitting up Ezra noticed the bandages wrapped around his bare chest. Ezra looked up when there was a click signaling the door had opened. Entering the room were two women, one had bright red hair pulled into twin braids she wore a pretty brown,blue and gold dress. The other had blonde almost white hair in a loose braid. She was tiny and pale. She wore a light blue dress with sequence on the top. The second woman smiled "Its nice to see you are up!" Ezra stared at them. "Where am I?" The two exchanged looks. "We must have a lot of explaining todo."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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