Chapter One

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Cassandra's POV
I woke up sweating profusely, this same dream over and over again, I yawned trying to remember the details, gosh something about a battle with wizards and unicorn but this time the wise wizard brought the magical fairies to their side
Stupid fairies, unicorns are good and their blood can sustain the hurt
At least that’s what Harry potter said
Can’t I dream of something else? This was pure horror cause the wizards end up defeating the unicorns and I vote for team unicorn. I switched off my alarm before it rings trying to forget the battle.
Entering the bathroom I smiled over the turn of things
I’m Cassandra Willams, 17 years old, attending Westfield High School, I can sing a little,oh and my parents died 16 years ago so I was adopted by the Willams when I was one
After taking my bath I carefully brushed my brown long hair, the thing about my hair was no matter how I cut it, it always grow back and God is it long plus I had a big round circle with language I don’t understand on my back
I asked my adoptive parents the reason why it keeps growing, no explanation, my hair apparently reaches the floor fortunately but the more I keep cutting it the more it grows longer just like Rapunzel but hers after it being cut didn’t grow back.
That sucked.
I braided it into two before wearing my casual clothe, a blue hoodie,
I always put my hoodie on so no one must see me with my abnormal hair or else I don’t know... I just feel save with it on so no one except for Mark has seen my face or hair
By the way Mark is my very annoying best friend 
I put on white trousers and wore blue snickers
‘Hey mom’. I said kissing my adoptive mother cheeks, I loved her and without her I don’t know where I would have been
‘Where’s dad?’ I asked taking a bit out of the pancake she was cooking, dad is a rich business man while mom is an interior designer; she can’t give birth so she adopted me.
‘He went to work’. She said as I put syrup on the pancake
‘I’ve got to go to school, love ya’. I said taking the plate along, I headed to the garage to take my baby a silver Lexus car. Entering it I zoomed off to school, I parked my car at the usual spot. Coming out of my car I smiled heading towards my best friend Mark who’s by the lockers in the hallway
‘Mark’. I greeted hugging him, mark was like my only friend and he knew everything about me. He was actually the only one that had seen my hair, I mean it’s weird coming to school with your hair that long, did I also mention he is one of the schools hottest boys, and why is he friends with me? Only if I knew why
Anyway Red is Mark’s girlfriend that I proudly match made and everything is going just fine, she’s red headed and cute, cheerleader and all
‘Movie night like always’. Mark and I said together grinning
‘Why don’t you take red out this time? We can do movie night tomorrow you always spend more time with me, it’s like you love me more than her’. I reasoned sternly
‘Of course I love you more than any girl; I’ve known you for 8 years’. He said
‘But ……
‘But what?’ mark asked
‘I mean you still have to take this relationship serious, it’s not like I’ll be your girlfriend’. I said making mark do one of his adorable pout,
‘Mark, you are not getting out of this, go tell red’. I said pushing him towards Red cycle of friends
I am the best mat-
‘Is it because of her?’ red suddenly screamed
Don’t tell me…
He broke up with her
‘Hey, what did I do?’ I defended myself
‘God, you always did want him for yourself, always saying things together, hanging out all the time, it’s like you dedicated your life to him, just so you know everyone’s always talking about you, wearing that goddamn hoodie all the time and acting like you are better than us, you have no specific reason for wearing that hoodie, oh so people won’t see how ugly you really are’. Red yelled
‘I actually don’t care what people say about me and by the way I don’t have friends for a reason stop jumping into conclusions’. I said walking away
I walked into my first period suddenly angry, people must be thinking I’m having ugh why can’t I just be friend a guy and people won’t think we are friends with benefits
Today was horrible, I was the talk of the day, how Red trashed me and for some specific reason I admitted having sex with Mark. I really don’t remember us getting into that topic
Mark is like my brother it would feels weird to kiss him, I can never date him.
Right now, mark is driving us to my house with my car, my mom actually called me in school saying she saw two adorable children and that they’ll be staying with us for a while. Mom is like that, she just dropped the bomb that I'll be having siblings in a day.
‘So Mark do you like Elsa?’ I asked trying to match make, I felt obliged to give him a girlfriend, that's what friends are for right?
‘No, I told you I’m not interested in relationships’. He said sadly
‘So you don’t like anyone?’ I asked as he parked my car
‘No’. He lied
Oh there’s someone
I can tell it when Mark lies, his ears twitches
‘You like someone….. Venus…… tell me’. I said excited,
‘It’s complicated’. He said
‘No, it’s not you just have to do 2 simple things, tell her you like her, ask her out, you never know what her answer will be. Girls are all the same well not me of course; give her roses, expensive restaurant, for me I don’t like all those guys, someone more simple yet romantic, a guy gives me rose, I’ll punch him in the face but yours good right? she’ll love you anyways, that’s if you tell her’. I shrugged,
‘I’ll try’. He said entering my house
‘Mom’ I scre5am
‘In here honey’. She said, I located the voice to the room of the new adorable kids
‘Are they here? I can’t wait to see those little cuties’ I asked dragging Mark along with me, I entered the blue room smiling.
‘Cassie this is Edward and Deborah'. My mom said looking at twins
What the fudge?
I expected 5 years old kids not some hot teenagers  
Gosh Edward looked like he was out of a commercial magazine so freaking hot
‘Oh hi’. I said averting my eyes before they notice I was checking them out
‘Sweetie remove your hoodie they’ll be staying a while now’. My dad said entering the room

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