Secret Love

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Harry's PoV

Laying with Louis in our hotel, just talking about everything but nothing is one of my favorite things. Cuddling on the bed sharing innocent kisses every once in a while. This is the reason I fight through the hardships. I love laying like this with him, just cuddling enjoying each others company. Some people would think with the situation we're in we would fall out of love, but it only made us stronger. True love is making it through the hard times and saying 'We made it.'

"Did you know that dork is actually a whale penis" I randomly said glancing up at Louis. He looked at me chuckling, shaking his head fondly. He was used to my weirdness by now.

"Of course you would know that, " he chuckles and I smile innocently at him trying not to laugh. I rest my head on his chest sighing. I wish we could be like this all the time. Modest! took that freedom away. We used to be able to act like a couple, even before we were. Now we can't even have a proper conversation. I missed those days. When everything was easy.

It's been getting better though. We've been sitting next to each other a lot more in interviews, and we stand next to each other at the concerts. The "On The Road Again" tour started a few days ago so that's what we're all focused on right now.

I'm often left wondering if we'll ever get to come out to the world. Always hiding from the world sucks when you just want to hold your loved ones hand or kiss them in public. We're pretty obvious though, we don't try our hardest to hide it. All the Larry shippers are the only ones with their eyes open, to be honest. It does hurt to see Louis with Eleanor, that's supposed to be me not her. But I guess we have to deal with it until the contracts over.

All the secret glances and secret kisses- as exciting as it is- I just want be be free, tell the world I'm gay and I'm in a relationship with Louis. I can tell he feels the same.

Louis snaps me out of my thoughts with a soft kiss to my temple. I glance up at him through my eyelashes admiring him. How is it possible for someone to be so beautiful? With his piercing blue eyes and soft smile, how couldn't I fall for him?

"What are you thinking about, sunshine?" He said tilting my chin up and making me look into his eyes. I loved it when he called me names like that. Even after four years, he still gives me butterflies. It's ridiculous really, but I love him.

"What if we never get to come out?" I whisper. "What if we never get our freedom? What if you leave me for E-Eleanor?" I choke out hardly able to get out the last word. I know he wouldn't but all these thoughts really get to your head. I know he loves me, he has to. He wouldn't lie to me. He can't love her.

He leaned in and gave me a chaste kiss. "I would never leave you, you should know that, we will get through anything that comes our way." I just nodded my head taking in every word he says. It's always nice to be reassured.

"I love you, Louis" I said, pressing a soft kiss to his collar bone.

"And I love you, Harry. To the moon-"

"And back, " I finish. We do this a lot. It's a reassurance that we will love each other no matter what's thrown in our way.

Its incredible, our relationship. We're living a life that we have to hide. To everybody but the boys. Nobody knows the truth. Always running from something. The fans always say that they know us but they only see what's on camera.

Most have realized how much weight that Louis has lost. He has stopped eating as much as he used to, scared they'll think he's to fat to be famous. The pressure really has messed him up, but he keeps pushing along. It makes me upset to think that my baby is hurting. It hurts me to know he's hurting.

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