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RILEY!! "kiera yells out and waves to you" JJ stares in sadness
Riley: JJ...
JJ: riley...
John b: it's in the past! Stop being so over dramatic over a break up
JJ: I'm gonna go
Riley: leave then I dont wanna see u at all
Sarah & Pope: oh shit
Riley: hey pope and Sarah long time no see
Pope: yeah you've been gone
Sarah: *waves*
Riley: * takes off her shorts and jumps in* the waters nice
John b: your so wierd riley
*Riley gets up and walks to where jj is*
JJ: what do u want-
Riley: jj I know your mad but I'm sorry its just we didnt feel loved,
JJ: Riley! You knew i loved u! I did everything for you! I Pushed away my  dad for you!
Riley: I know jj i-
JJ: No! Save it Riley! Please just go... GO AWAY!
Riley: *tears fill up her eyes as she walks back to the Rutledge house*

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