KHM 1 - The Frog Prince

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Once upon a time, there was a young boy. He was the heir to the throne of a small kingdom. He was the only child of an arrogant king and a selfish queen.

Naturally, the boy was cocky as well and made it a habit to bully whoever he encountered.

Until one day, he met the wrong one. A wicked witch appeared and cursed the kingdom. The boy turned into a frog, and only his true love was able to lift the curse.

His parents wallowed in self-pity and had their own lessons to learn. The only one grieving was the prince's servant, faithful Heinrich. He had to place three iron bands around his heart to keep it from bursting in grief and sorrow.

The frog king took his home for years in a well, far away from his home. It was situated at a beautiful place in the middle of a dark green forest.

From a small opening in the tops of the trees, the sun shone its golden rays down on it and made it seem magical. The water coloured transparent green, and the waterlilies opened up to it warmth.

One day, the frog prince's peace was disturbed by a young girl. She had beautiful golden hair, falling down in waves against her back.

She had a small golden ball with her, which she threw up in the air and catched again in her small hands.

The frog prince was annoyed by the disturbance. He hid behind a large waterlily and watched her dance and sing. She seemed so careless, which filled him with jealousy.

But he couldn't help his feelings of attraction, too. Each time she came to his well, he crawled a little closer and watched her.

It was as if the sun made her hair golden. Her eyes seemed the same transparent green as the water in his well. Her delicate fingers playing with the ball made him wish to feel them on his skin. Her entrancing voice held him captive.

He couldn't help but hopelessly fall in love with the girl.

One day, a sudden gust of wind picked up the girls' ball and made it fall into the well. It sunk immediately. The frog and the girl could it see lying on the bottom of the well.

The girl sat down on the side of the well and let out a deep sigh. A deep frown appeared between her brows while she tried to grab the ball.

But the well was too deep, and the transparent water was deceiving.

Disgusted, the girl dries her arm on her dress and huffed. A string of curses left her lips.

"Such a beautiful girl as yourself shouldn't exclaim such nasty words." The frog tutted.

The girl looked around until she saw the frog on a lily leave. Her head tilted a little, but she stayed quiet.

"Yes, it is me talking to you." The frog continued.

The girl started screaming and flew away. She didn't return that day.

The frog prince remained alone and sad. He shouldn't have talked to her. He was afraid she'd never come back. His heart broke a little.

But the next day, the girl returned and called him.


He heard her and appeared before he. The girl swore he was grinning.

"I need your help, frog." She continued, "I need you to dive up my ball."

The frog sat down in front of her.

"And what is it I get from you?" He asked.

"Everything you want, my clothes, my pearls and precious stones, even my golden crown if you want."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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