Chapter One

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Justin and his close friends Nathan Reuters, Kyle Robbins, Cassie Okita and Megan Nakagawa, who were well-trained ninjas ventured out of the ninja temple for their ninja quest for powers. Until the alien invasion arrived and attacked and obliterated every temples.

Kyle Robbins:
" Aliens destroying the temples."

Justin Stewart:
" We have to hurry and find some safe place."

Suddenly, a group of Ninja Droids surrounded
Justin and the others. Justin throws smokescreen balls as the five were run for their escape. Justin and the others went to the undergound ruins.

Cassie Okita:
" Where are we?"

Nathan Reuters:
" I don't know. This is some kind of underground ruins."

Justin Stewart:
" Alright. We have to stay close together."

Later, Ninjor showed up.

" Greetings my ninja friends."

Justin Stewart:
" Ninjor?"

" There was no time to explain. A new generation of Machine Empire launched an invasion on Earth. You five must use these five crystals."

Justin grabs the Red Cobra Crystal.

Nathan grabs the Black Lion Crystal.

Kyle grabs the Blue Shark Crystal.

Megan grabs the Yellow Peacock Crystal.

Cassie grabs the Pink Stag Beetle Crystal.

The five transformed into Ninja Warrior Rangers.

Ninja Warrior Pink:
" We're power rangers?"

Ninja Warrior Yellow:
" Obviously."

Ninja Warrior Red:
" I'm red?"

Ninja Warrior Blue:
" Blue is fine by me."

Ninja Warrior Red:
" Considered yourself lucky."

Ninja Warrior Black:
" Black is anonymous. "

" With these new ninja powers you have, you can use them to stop the invaders."

Later, Justin and his team were made it out of the ruins and they stumbled on a group of Ninja Droids.

Ninja Warrior Red:
" Looks like we have some unfinished business to attend to."

Ninja Warrior Pink:
" Lead the way Justin."

Now Justin and his team draw their respective ninja swords and starts fighting the group of ninja droids.

Ninja Warrior Yellow:
" These creeps are too easy."

Ninja Warrior Pink:
" I have to agree with you Megan."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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