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maknae line was left alone in the dorms while hyunjin and minho were practicing and 3racha were recording. felix was feeling feverish so he went to look for medicine in chan's room.

chan, being a good leader, always takes care of the members so he had pills in his cabinet for whenever any of the kids were sick.

felix found the pill box but it wasn't labeled. he was starting to get dizzy and just wanted to feel better so he took one without checking with chan.

jeongin was sleeping in the spare room so he opted to sleep on the couch where seungmin was watching netflix. he got a pillow and a blanket to be more comfortable.

"hey lix."

felix gave seungmin a small nod and got comfortable on the couch. seungmin turned the volume down so felix could have a better nap without all the noise.

after about 30 minutes seungmin started hearing felix breathing hard and kinda moaning uncomfortably. he contemplated waking felix up after seeing how tired he was but he did it just incase.

"lix wake up~ are you feeling okay?"

felix didn't answer so seungmin started lightly shaking his shoulders but he still didn't wake up. felix looked sick so seungmin tried checking his temp. he placed his hand on felixs forehead and the older was burning up.

"lix wake up, your temperature is up. i'll get you a glass of water but sit up first."

seungmin went to the kitchen and got felix a glass of water like he said. when he got back to the couch felix had almost kicked off the whole blanket. his shirt was ridden up and one of his legs hung of the couch.

felix looked pale but a bright blush coated his cheeks. the shirt he was wearing had slid up to show his stomach and slipped of his shoulder. he was still breathing hard and looked uncomfortable.

"cmon lix sit up and drink some water. i think you have a fever."

seungmin helped him sit up and slightly fixed the shirt too. he handed him the drink and felix took a sip.

"ngh~ what's wrong with me i took some medicine already, why do i feel worse."

"are you sure you took the right medicine felix?"

"yea i took the one in channie hyungs room."

seungmin was confused. chan said he moved the medicine to one of the kitchen cabinets so why did lix go to his room?

felix was starting to look worse and he didn't know why. felix already took meds earlier so he's afraid to give him more.

"lix i'm gonna call hyung and ask him what to do 'kay?"


felix's answer sounded like something dirty and seungmins mind was drifting. he asked felix to drink more water while he called chan.

"hyung felix has a fever but he already took some medicine from your room and i don't want to give him more."

"what medicine seungmin? didn't i put all the pills in the kitchen?"

"i was gonna ask him but he's umm too..."

"too what seungmin? is it really bad? does he need to see a doctor?"

"he's kinda too-"

before seungmin could finish he felt felix hugging his leg from behind. he was standing facing the tv and felix was behind him, sitting on the couch so he was awfully close.

[wrong pill] seunglix Where stories live. Discover now