part 1 chapter 1

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Tommy was sitting on what seemed to be a worn down sofa it had holes and a old smell to it. Next to him was a paint bucket in which he loved to carry around. Inside where spray cans  and a paint brush, the sofa was in a alleyway and Infront of him was tubbo who was spray painting something Tommy didn't understand. It was some kind of abstract art with the colors collapsing on top of one another. Walking down the ally was a tall man who had bruises and scrapes all over him, in his hand was a bag which hade the word 'Burger World' on it.
"YOOO lunch is here!" Tommy said catching the attention of Tubbo. Tommy got up sprinting over to the man. "Okay I think we should head home to eat this." The man said, clearly sweating
"Ranboo, why are there so many burgers" tubbo said looking down in the bag.
"Not important" Ranboo said
"Ranboo did you steal these?!?"
"Not important now let's go!"
"Fine but your explaining this when we get home!"
"Fine but we gotta go!" Ranboo yelled running off, the other two where not that behind before putting up their hoods so they wouldn't be noticed. Going in a apartment place they quickly went to their room putting the burgers on the table.
"What the hell man!!" Tommy said trying to catch his breath.
"Yah Ranboo you could have told us you planned on stealing!" Tubbo said, Ranboo tossed a burger to tommy and tubbo.
"Yah well it all worked out so we're fine" Ranboo said taking a bite out of a hamburger. For a moment it was all silent because they where all eating, Tommy was the first done opening the window to climb out onto the roof. He looked around the street seeing cars fly by and people walking down the sidewalk, looking through all of this one family caught his eye. It was a man with his two sons one with pink braided hair and one with a short haircut and a yellow beanie. The father was a blonde man who hade a green hat on he wore a robe as if he where in some kind of manga, the reason they caught his eye was because the two sons where pointing at him. When the pink haired guy saw Tommy noticed him he stared at Tommy, he went back inside his apartment seeing the others watching tv.
"Imma head out!" Tommy yelled the other two made a hum of agreement. Walking through the streets he finally saw a good alleyway, he went down it placing down his bucket and getting out a spray can shaking it trying to sketch what he would like to do. Finally getting an idea he pulled a gas mask out of his hoodies pocket putting it on, after he was done he stepped back to look at what he had done, there was three things in it a bee who behind it looked like honey comb next was some sort of eye behind it looked like a void with little specks of purple. On the top though it was two music disks wich behind it was nothing just the plain wall.

 On the top though it was two music disks wich behind it was nothing just the plain wall

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(Kinda like this but better and more realestic)

It wasn't his best work, but still he took out his phone and took a picture of it. He sent it to the group chat between Tubbo and Ranboo then he put his phone back into his pocket. He starts to walk out of the alleyway then he hears something, it sounded like laughter. Tommy knew it was trouble but still he wanted to know what was happening he climbed up onto a short building then walks to where he heard the laughter. He looks to find a group of teens surrounding the family he saw before. Tommy didn't care, he shouldn't care he hade never met this family in his life so why was he wanting to help this family. He looked back down to find none of the family members look consernd at all! In fact one of them seemed to be smiling... The other boys seemed to be looking around, then he looked up and saw Tommy. Tommy held a thumbs up then a thumbs down switching between the two obviously wanting to make sure they where okay or not. The boy held a thumbs up, okay he knew they where okay now leave Tommy keep thinking to himself why walking away he heard screams of fear but this time. It wasn't the family no it was the group of teens, Tommy told himself to keep walking as not to look back on what was happening. He jumped down off the building quickly heading home. Once he got home it was around 8:00pm it wasn't to uncommon though Ranboo was asleep on the couch why looking in one of the bedrooms Tubbo was on his phone in bed. Walking into his room he quietly shut his door walking over to his bed a million questions came to his head
Why did he care about the family?!?
What where the screams?
Should he have walked away?
Who where those people
Surely they won't remember me right?
Tommy turned to his side trying to fall asleep, finally after a minute or two he does.

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