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Have you, in your life, ever took a moment's pause just to ponder who the most incredible people on this planet are? Those people who have made your life a thousand times more beautiful and worth living since you first opened your eyes. Those persons who have always remained by your side, and still are, to protect you and keep you safe from the grave dangers you meet in your daily life. Those two beings, whose tender care and deep ocean of love has made you what you are today. In their eyes, you are worth more than the most precious jewel humankind has ever discovered. They are the ones who are happy when they see you delighted, get depressed when they watch you suffer, assume your everyday problems as their own and work so hard to produce a definite solution, get involved in your craziest of games and do all of these just to make your life better. They are none other than the most special present you have ever received from God - your parents, without whom you wouldn't be reading this right now.

You should always consider yourself the most fortunate one because you happen to be their child. Your mother, the best human to ever walk the earth, loves you with her heart and soul and shall continue to do so, no matter how distant you are from her. A quote said by Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam which reflects upon the definition of birthday, which may change the way you see your Mom is "The only day in your life...Your mother smiled when you cried." And indeed, it's true. You probably do not remember this, (none of us do), because then you were just an infant whom she adored and loved from deep within her soul the moment your little eyes first met hers, which were welled with tears of happiness.
Never forget that you are a piece of her heart. A part of her soul dwells deep within you. You carry her with yourself everywhere you go and she, too, does the same. Wherever you walk, she shall follow you. Whenever you are lost, she will definitely guide you. No matter where you are on earth, if you find yourself in a difficult mess, do not worry. If you have believed in her all along, then assure yourself with the fact that her prayers will reach you and shall show you the ultimate solution to your obstacle. All you need to do then is to trust her and walk on the path that she directs you to go. She has an answer to every problem, just go and consult her and you'll feel yourself in safe hands. A research provides us with this piece of information which says, "Talking to your mother, has the same effect as a hug and can help reduce stress levels. The sound of her voice release oxytocin and is a great stress relief." And admit it, that whenever you are in your Momma's presence and whenever you spend some quality time with her, the world around you gets so warm. You feel secure, safe and joyful. Always optimistic and sanguine by nature, your mother is the strong glue which holds and binds the family together even in the most despairing moments of time. No one has been able to interpret why, but your Mum is the only person on this planet who can read your feelings and hidden intentions just by fixing her eyes on yours, and can magically lighten you up just by giving you a warm and affectionate hug. All your fears, worry, tension and anxiety melts down. This is because of her infinite fondness and immeasurable and profound love which she have towards you.
Always remember throughout your life that you are, and shall always remain her 'darling' and no matter where your Mum is, she was, is, and will be the best and also the most extraordinary woman to ever accompany you in your lifetime.

Another person who plays a very important role in your life is your father - the best human to ever live. Also sometimes referred to as 'his son's first hero and his daughter's first love'. The protector of the family, your Dad is the strong pillar which supports the building and makes sure that it would continue to stand high above everything else because the 'building' here signifies your unique and lovely 'family'. You couldn't even imagine the love which overwhelmed his heart when he first gazed at you, at his marvellous child. His inner self must have danced with joy when he initially cradled you tenderly in his warm arms. And from that moment ever since, he has put in his best effort and did everything that seemed possible for him, just so he could see that beautiful smile plastered over your face. A relationship between a father and his son is full of adventures and fun, but when it comes to a father-daughter relationship, it turns out to be even more special. To be a Dad of an amazing daughter is the most spectacular gift a man can ever think of. An anonymous quote which will touch every daughter's heart is here, "I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my Dad is a king." Simple yet beautiful, isn't it? Your Dad has many great responsibilities thrust upon him. And why not? After all, he is the King. He is that supportive pillar that helps the building to remain standing for years, but in its absence, you'll soon watch it collapse, and it no longer will be a tall and overlooking building, but a mere heap of dust and debris. Similarly, your Dad plays an invaluable role in your house. His presence makes everything possible. You just need to buy yourself some precious time and spend it with your father. He loves you more than anything in this world. And you should, in turn, pray for him everyday, to keep him in the hands of God. He may scold you sometimes, not because he is enraged with your behavior or mistake but because he wants to see you safe. He would never in his life want to watch his child go on the wrong path. Always remember that behind his every livid face, lies that soft, tender and concerned man who dreads at the thought of getting his family hurt by any means. You are here today because of his support and constant, unconditional love. Your father is that great man who has been inspiring each aspect of your life all these years. Show him your love each second of your life. And if this thought ever crosses your mind that your father isn't able to provide you a particular thing (which you desperately want), because of some reason, then please do not complain about it. Always know this truth, that love cannot be measured by material possessions. Every thing which you have received from him until now has been a part of his constant effort and hard work of his daily life. Never ever fail to remember in your lifetime that you are the luckiest person on earth to have received such a rare and wonderful gift from God, and that is, your father himself.

None of us have the idea about the sacrifices that our parents have made, and most importantly, only for our betterment. Nowadays, many children have developed this habit of disobeying, misbehaving and disrespecting their parents. The matters get even worse when many such children grow up and decide to forsake their parents completely, without even realising that they have committed an unforgivable sin which is beyond redemption. Every time you break their hearts, they cry furtively, but still ask God to shower His blessings upon you so that you can prosper in your life. So, isn't it sensible not to raise your voice against those who have raised you since the beginning of your life? It is rightly said that your parents are Gods in the form of humans. So, think twice before doing something foolish before your parents which can shatter their hearts into pieces. Because you never know, you may actually be disappointing God by saddening your parents in some way or the other.

You cannot ever repay back your parents for their sacrifices. But if you really want to, then the best advice you can get is to achieve something so great in your life that your parents would be triumphant to declare that they have a wonderful child like you. And most importantly, love the people that God gave you, because one day He will take them back. Last but not the least, your parents are a special gift to you, now honestly swear to yourself that no matter how old they get, caring for them, respecting them and above all, loving them should be your topmost priority till the very end of your life.

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