Win Win Situation

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     "We need to get him back!" Jimin yelled out as he slammed his hands on the table in front of him. 

The other six men at the table nodded and continued to swiftly search things on their laptops and Ipads in front of them. 

"We'll figure something out to make sure that we get him back without having to give anything up," One of them spoke, switching to another tab.

Jimin watched as his six right hand men searched hard for a solution to get one of their men back. Jimin was the leader of one of the most feared gangs in Seoul, Bangtan. The police have been working hard to catch them since the days his father ran the gang, but they hadn't even come close once. By the time they arrived at the murder scene or drug deal spot, Bangtan members were long gone. Until this week. One of their newest members, a 17 year old boy named Kang Taehyun was sent to pick up a shipment of new weapons but was caught off guard. It seems their trusted dealers were a bunch of crooks who would do anything for some cash. The police had bribed them and they set Bangtan up with a fake weapons shipment, causing Taehynun to get caught. 

Jimin and his six best men had been working relentlessly for a week to try and find a way to get Taehyun back without risking any other members to be caught or needing to give up vital information. 

"I've got something," one of his men yelled, maximizing the screen on his laptop and turning it towards the other six who immediately crowded around.

"What did you find Hoseok Hyung?" Jimin asked, setting a hand on the back of his chair. 

"Look at this," Hoseok said, pulling up a picture of the police chief, Lee Doyoon, standing on a small stage next to a young looking girl. 

"What is it? Who is that?" Jimin asked impatiently. 

Hoseok pointed to the caption below the picture and read, "Seoul police chief, Lee Doyoon, with his daughter Lee Y/n."

"How can that help in getting Taehyun back hyung?" one of the boys asked.

"Easy Jungkook," Hoseok said with a smirk, "Think about it. All we have to do is kidnap Doyoon's precious daughter and after we let him know we have her, we can offer a trade. Y/n for Taehyun."

"But what if he declines the trade?" the oldest, SeokJin, asked. 

"Then we'll just give the girl some cuts and bruises and send over another picture to him. You'd be surprised at how quickly parents will give in when their child is in trouble. And from what I've found from my quick search, Y/n is his only child. He'll snap like a twig," Hoseok said with a malicious smile. 

Jimin nodded and gave him a pat on the back, "Hoseok Hyung you're a genius. With this plan we get Taehyun back with no damage done to us. And taking this girl should be easy. In fact it'll just be some abduction training. This is a win win situation. Yoongi hyung, find as much information as you can on Lee Y/n. Everyone else, you're dismissed for the night. I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow."

The other five boys stood from their seats, taking their devices and heading out of the meeting room towards their respective bedrooms as Jimin took a seat next to Yoongi and began to read up on the unsuspecting girl. 


     "Thank you, come again," Y/n said with a smile as the final customer of her shift walked out of the café with his coffee.

She turned around as she yawned. Today was one of her most busy days. She had three classes this morning, then from 12-5 she worked her job at a cute little coffee shop, and at 5:30 she began her shift at a small corner shop until 10. 

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