Chapter 1: A normal day...

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Chase POV:

I woke up as usual in my pup house, we just got back from Adventure City so we were all tired and fell asleep upon returning to our houses. I yawned and got out to wake the others up, I walked over to Skye's house first. I slowly opened her door and saw her asleep. Gosh darn it she's so cute while sleeping! I gently shake her for her to wake up.

Chase: Skye, it's time to wake up...

Skye: I don't wanna... I'm asleep.

Chase: c'mon, I need your help to wake up the others...

Skye: What's the magic word?

Chase: pretty please?

Skye opened her eyes at me. Gosh her eyes are just so beautiful!

Skye: Alright, let's go!


The two pups came out of Skye's pup house, and woke up the others just in time for breakfast. They all walked in the lookout and saw Ryder getting their food dishes ready. 

Ryder: Morning pups! I trust you slept well?

Zuma: Totally!

Rocky: Yup!

Marshall: It was a great sleep!

Skye: S-sure...

Chase: Yeah, I guess...

Ryder: Chase? Skye? Do you two want to say something?

Skase: W-what?! N-no! I-its nothing important!

Zuma: D-did you two just say the same thing at the same time??

Chase and Skye both looked at each other blushing.

Ryder: You two see me after breakfast, ok?

Chase: Yes Ryder.. 

Skye: Ok Ryder...

(Time skip after breakfast)

Skye's POV 

I can't believe Chase and I said the same things at once! I also wasn't asleep when chase woke me up, I wike up right before he did so I could get woken up by him... 

We both stood in the elevator and waited to go up to see Ryder...

Chase: Did you have a nightmare too?

Skye: Uh huh... Wait, you had one?

Chase: Yes...

The elevator then pinged as it reached the top.


Ryder stood in the too of the lookout waiting for the two pups. As soon as they arrived, he asked them the questions...

Ryder: What's wrong you two?

Skye: I had a nightmare last night, it was that we all became useless to Adventure Bay and Adventure City...

Chase: I-i had the same dream....

Ryder: Don't worry pups, I'm sure it's just a nightmare, now since you both seem shaken by this, you are both sleeping in the lookout Tonight on the Sam pillow together.

Skye: Okay Ryder...

Chase: Yes Ryder sir...

Ryder: Now go play.

As the two left, Ryder sat down and closed his eyes.

Ryder: Three people with the same dream in one night... I hope they don't come true...

A/N ayyy! New book! I hope y'all liked it! Please comment down below, cus I love comments more then votes! Hope you enjoyed! Cya mates!

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