Life of the Party

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Stiles and Derek were that couple that went everywhere together. Derek walked Stiles to class, kissed him in between classes and before and after lunch. They drove to and from school together. And they would always stay at each others houses. They we literally never apart.

Aside from pooping. Stiles refused to poop with Derek in the room. Peeing was different. But poop. Just no.

They were quite different though. Derek was a popular basketball player. He was generally point guard, but he could play any position and score. While Stiles played lacrosse and hardly ever saw the field. They'd tried doing each others sport, but Stiles had awful coordination and couldn't walk and dribble at the same time, and Derek had to much anger and was just generally dangerous with a stick.

Plus PDA wasn't allowed in sports and that was a huge problem for them. Derek couldn't make it one game without grabbing Stiles' ass or kissing him. He got yelled at for doing it all the time, but he didn't care. He knew they wouldn't kick him off the team or anything.

Being popular made Derek the first to invite to everyone's parties. And he always made an appearance, even if he didn't know the person. So when freshman Liam Dunbar invited him to a party he had to accept.

"Stiles, we've got a party to go to tonight." Derek said sitting next to him at the table. "And I waited for you outside your class, but they said you'd already gone."

"We just went to one last week though. And sorry I walked with Scott."

Derek wrapped his arm around Stiles possessively, which only made the Stiles roll his eyes. "So you're going with me right? Liam Dunaber or whatever invited me?"

Stiles turned to face him. "Dunbar? No. I have made a pinky promise with my best friend to never got near or speak to him."

"Why?" Derek frowned.

"Hey Stiles. Liam just invited me to his party. What do I do?" Scott asked as he approached the table.

Stiles looked at Derek, but pointed to him. "Because this doofis is in love with him. And doesn't want me to spill the beans."

"Then we'll all go as a group." Derek stated. "I'll keep your mouth occupied."

"Did I just walk into the preproduction of a Stiles and Derek porno?" Jackson asked with a disgusted face.

"Jackson leave them be. They're so cute together. Why can't we be like that." Lydia asked.

"Because every time I say I'll keep your mouth occupied you smack me." smack "Kinda like that." Jackson rubbed his now reddened cheek.

"You two are coming with us." Derek stated.

They just shrugged it off and agreed. They always did. Derek kinda sorta got what he wanted. That's just how it was.


They pulled up to Liam's lake house. Derek drove Stiles in his car, while Scott rode with Lydia and Jackson. And according to Jackson, Scott would not shut the hell up.

Derek wasn't concerned with that. He just wrapped his arm around his boyfriend and escorted him into the party. He honestly felt bad. He'd promised Stiles that they would go out tonight, dinner and a movie, but Derek had changed his plans for freshman.

Stiles was mad, and he understood. But he refused to let him walk up and buddy up with Scott. All Derek wanted right now was for Stiles to at least speak to him, but with no such luck.

As they were walking by Liam's swimming pool someone bumped into them and sent them crashing into the water. Derek was immediately enraged, knowing that Stiles had his cell phone in his pocket.

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