I smiled and laughed as Lillian dragged me by the arm to my "birthday surprise". "Where are we going Lil?" I asked her laughing. "We are going to you're birthday surprise!" I wondered what sort of surprise Lillian had in mind. I didn't really want anything more than a bit of cake and a record.

Suddenly we stopped outside a bar; she turned to me and dug in her bag. "Here," she said beaming, and handed me a ticket that read 'V.I.P. THE CURE'. "Ho-how did you?!" I couldn't believe it. Lillian had gotten me a backstage ticket for The Cure. "My boyfriend knows the owner and he was able to get us these for half price." I hugged her, "thank you Lil."

"Happy Birthday," she whispered, and with a smile lead me into the crowded bar. Not long after our arrival the band slowly came out. I couldn't help but squeal at the fact that I was actually seeing them live! Lillian had even managed to get us up to the front so we could see them better. For what seemed like hours the two of us sang along and watched Simon run along the small stage as he played. Robert though, seemed to be eyeing us, or at least that's what Lillian was continuously whispering into my ear. I'd laugh at the thought, but would start to blush everytime he stared down at me.

By the end of their set the audience would call out to them to play another song. Lillian of course was happily joining in calling out to Robert after every 'last' song. "Oi! Play a song for my friend please, for the birthday girl!" Robert looked pointed at Lillian and spoke, "You, the young lady with the blue choker, could you say that again?" She smiled brightly, "Can you play a song for my friend, Emily, it's her birthday!" She swung her arm around me showing him who Emily was. "What would Emily like us to play?" He asked staring directly at me, I felt myself turn bright pink as everyone turned to look at me. "Ca-Catch."

Robert smiled along with the rest of the band as they started the song. This time around Robert's eyes stayed on me, making me smile and my blush deepen. Sadly the song came to an end and the band officially ended their set. As the band began to pack their things Lillian lead me to a small room backstage. A few other fans were there and were talking amongst themselves.

"I can't believe he heard you!" I said to Lil. "I know! I'm sooo glad he did though cause he played your favorite song!" She said excitedly holding both of my hands. "Oh and not only did he do that, but he wad definitely singing it to you, like you were his-" "don't even say it." She giggled, "aww why-" she was cut off by an excited squeal. We both turned our heads to see that the band was now coming into the room.

Simon and Pearl walked over to one group as did Lol, but of course Robert came over to the two of us. "Hello, I'm Robert," he said holding out his hand for the two of us to shake. "I'm Lillian and you already know Emily." He smiled shaking my hand. "Ah yes, the birthday girl. How old?"

"23," I replied feeling a bit embarrassed and began to play with a small strand of hair. "So you're celebrating by seeing us here, I assume." He mumbled looking a bit shy. "Yea. It's honestly amazing seeing you guys. I've been a fan since I first heard A Forest at college." He smiled and nodded, "You don't mind the pop songs now?" I shook my head, " I think they're fun! They're still relatively dark, but fun."

"You like dark?" I nodded. He smiled misgiviously,  "How do feel about horror films?" "I love them. Halloween, The Exorsist, The Shinning, Poltergeist, all of them are amazing!" Lillian then chimed in, "she's insane when it comes to those movies. Lights HAVE to be off or else its 'ruins the experience." I rolled my eyes as Robert laughed. "She' got a point you know. You aren't watching them properly if you aren't watching them in the dark."

"Bonus points if you're watching it during a thunderstorm." I said looking confidently at Lillian. "You two are insane." We both laugh and continue to talk more about films we had seen. As the evening drove on, the three of us weave through the conversation. With Robert and I mainly talking and Lillian every now and then jumping in. As we spoke I couldn't help, but feel drawn into Robert. The films and music he liked were so similar to what I enjoyed, but yet so different. The way he described everything with that spark in his eyes made me want to try it all.

We were in such as deep conversation that the three of us had lost track of time. "Rob, we gotta go. The vans waiting for us." Simon said tapping Robert's shoulder. "Shit. Aright I'll er...be there in a minute." Simon nodded and left Robert to finish talking with us.

"Would you mind if I gave you my e-mail? I had a wonderful time talking with you, and it's the best way for us to stay in touch." I nodded eagerly and looked to Lillian for a piece of paper and pen. Quickly she retrieved a small note book and pen and handed it to Robert. He scribbled down his e-mail and checked to see if we could read it. Afterwards he gave Lillian the notebook and pen back and gave her a hug. Then he turned to me and gave my hand a kiss before hugging me. "Happy Birthday Emily, I look forward to you e-mail." With that he left Lillian and I squealing and talking over the nights events.

Once we were both home I couldn't help, but smile at the fact that he had given me his personal e-mail. I smiled thinking about the films we could tell each other about. One film he had recommended was Cannibal Holocaust, apparently it had been banned in England for how disturbing it was. I chuckled at the thought of him begging the studio to send him horror films. He had told us a lot, but that still brought a smile to my face. One that I knew Lillian would surely tease me for if she could see it now.

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