Broken Family ch.1

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A kind knock rang through the Bettser family home. The mother opened the door to the unknown visitor. The mother, Sakura, was a skinny woman looking way older than her age of 30. She was a mother of 5 kids which was obvious by her looks. Her long black hair fell over her face as she pushed it back. Her soft brown eyes landed on the well-dressed rodent at her door. "Umm hello, may I help you sir?" She asked a kind smile spread across her face. She wiped her hands on her messy apron.

Nezu looked up with his bright smile. "Hello Miss Bettser, my name is Nezu I am the principal at U.A High. I called you the other day concerning your daughter, Hatsu" Her kind smile vanished and her eyes once bright grew dull. As she invited the visitor in without another word. She motioned him in.

"Let me make us some tea. Before we talk. You may come in and sit down. My husband is just upstairs ill get him." her soft tone was cracking as the topic lay heavy on her mind. She vanished into the kitchen as Nezu settled onto the large couch. He took his time glancing around his surroundings. The family home was filled with many photos and kid toys. A cooing baby glanced up at him from a playpen. It seemed more concerned with the TV playing a baby cartoon. Nezu snapped out of his thoughts as the women re-emerged from the kitchen.

"Excuse for me asking again but..... Are you sure you have the right family?" Sakura asked as she placed the tea tray down on the table. She placed a cup in front of Nezu and herself. Before she took her seat across from Nezu. She fixed her eyes on the strange rodent that showed up at her door. Nezu nodded softly at the woman as he scouted forward on the couch taking his tea in hand. The woman's tired brown eyes drifted from him to her tea on the table. A look of confusion and disbelief on her wrinkled face. She had been ignoring the calls. They were just pranks, right? On the last call, she excepted the visit under the assumption it would never happen. But here he was the principal of a high-end hero college in Japan. Nezu sits up straight taking a sip of his tea.

"Kiko, my Kiko.... are sure you wish to enroll her. Kiko is a sweet girl but her out bursts are getting worse. She nothing but trouble. She has been since the day she got that cursed quirk." The woman explained as she clasped her hands together fiddling her fingers. This was all wrong. Why would they want her? Kiko was a problem child. Several schools kicked her out. No high-end school would expect her. Not till U.A. but why?... Nezu smiled brightly placing his cup down on the coffee table ready to answer all her questions.

"I'm sure Miss Bettser. I promise you I did my research on your girl, Kiko. I must say she caught my attention a while back but a few days ago with the attack that was on the news. I was sure she was just what I needed. That's with my haste now. Time is running close to get her enrolled, and to reverse her on the language." he chuckled explaining to her the wide smile still on his face. "The way she handles herself in the face of a threat out of her league. That is something you should be proud of. Well, to put it bluntly, I am impressed by it. She is no doubt reckless but she is a kid nothing a good school can't fix. I think she would make a great hero maybe even a pro with proper training. My school can lead her to that path if you would allow it. "

"Ha," a man chuckled as he entered the room. Nezu turned his eyes to the man as he slammed a large stack of folders onto the table in front of Nezu. The man lifted his hand and crossed his arms. "Pro Hero don't make me laugh. She can't even stay out of trouble for a day mister." He growled in a loud tone. "She's smart I'll give you that. But as long as she has that quirk she won't be a hero. She'll stay in jail on meds or worse....." He sat down flipping the folder open. His eyes trained on the pages. Clicking his tongue when he found what he was looking for taping the paper he spun it around to Nezu.

"Here five specialists recommended medical numbing of quirk. Stated each time, an unpredictable and unstable quirk has caused the uncontrollable outburst. Danger to society. " he sighed "she won't take the medication. She won't listen to the experts." He closes his shortly taking a deep breath in. He turned to his wife his tone shifting to a softer one but still it was filled with frustration."If he wants her for his fancy school. Let him take her. Nothing but the trouble you said it yourself. Besides, maybe it is for the best... I wouldn't say pro-hero-worthy but maybe not burning down every building in town. They can teach her that at least. You taught her the language so she won't be lost there." he turned back to Nezu in his eyes saying a million words. They were tired and lost he was at the end of his ropes. The man looked bone tired. His face showed disappointment but also love. He couldn't hide the fact he wanted to help his little girl. It was killing him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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