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"Good morning, my angels!" I say.

"Good morning, Navya!" Namjoon says.

"I'm gonna head out for a walk. Bye! Oh, and remember! Today's a VERY special day!" I grin.

I head out the door and the members all stand up immediately.

"Okay, she's gone! Her birthday is today and we need to make it special!" Jin said.

"It has to be amazing and she has to be happy." Yoongi said.

"Remember that Navya likes chocolate cake, so we'll get a chocolate cake!" Hoseok says.

"We need balloons, streamers, banners, party blowers, hats, confetti, and everything else." Jimin says.

"Great! How about we get the cake and you guys can get the cake? I already ordered!" Taehyung said.

"Great! Let's go and hurry before Navya gets back!" Jungkook says.


"Get everything they have!" Jimin said.

The maknae line was at the party store, getting decorations for the party. Taehyung and Jungkook got a handful of party stuff and put them in the cart.

"Is that enough?" Jungkook asks.

"We need more! We don't want to run out!"

The cart was getting full, so they put some more decorations in another. By the end, both carts were full till the top.

"I think that's everything! Let's check out!" Taehyung said.


"Hmm...what kind of chocolate cake would Navya like?" Yoongi asks.

"It definitely has to be enough for all of us cause we eat like pigs and I think it should have rainbow sprinkles." Namjoon said.

"Perfect! Now, we just need to find one which is gonna be hard." Jin said.

The hyung line was at the bakery, picking out a cake for me. They had to be back at the house before I arrive from my walk.

"Oh, what about this one?" Hoseok asks, pointing.

The cake had chocolate icing and swirls on top. There was chocolate sauce dripping down the sides and sprinkles on the bottom and top.

 There was chocolate sauce dripping down the sides and sprinkles on the bottom and top

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"I think she'll love it! Let's get it!" Namjoon said.


The guys get home and immediately, they start unpacking the decorations. They were scrambling all over the place.

"Jimin, can you put up the streamers and balloons while Jungkook helps me with the plates and everything?" Jin said.

"On it, hyung!" Jimin said.

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