Bring Your Daughter, To The Slaughter

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A/N: A/N: - Louise Birk on Facebook asked, in the Twilight Fanfiction Recommendations (Completed) group - Does anyone know, of this kind of fanfic: Charlie is the one who is aware of the supernatural. Perhaps he's marrying a Denali sister. Either way, when Bella joins him for the wedding, she meets Edward. So this is my take on that theme, she meets Edward yeah, but sorry that's just too predictable for me xx

Between the Denali's and the Cullen's there are 5 choices, so which one is it? That's for me to know and you to guess xx Alexis


Once again I'm seriously wondering if I've done the right thing here, should I have just waited and then introduced Irina to my daughter Isabella, as my new young wife. Said it was a romantic whirlwind marriage and left it at that! What am I thinking about, inviting her here to a wedding ceremony where we, her and I will be the only humans attending. Yes, you heard me right!

I love my daughter with all my heart, I know I don't tell her often enough and I frequently forget she is no longer a child, but a grown woman. A beautiful and intelligent woman, who knows her own mind, better than I did at her age. Damn, I had, had her at that age, I was a foolish idealistic man-boy, thinking that settling down and having children was what Renee would really want.

But I couldn't have been more proud, the day that she was born, so tiny and helpless, and needing me then. Everything was good for a little while and then as I got promoted, took on more work, hours and responsibility. Thinking this was going to be a good thing for my little family. I never in a million years saw that Renee would slip through my fingers and take little Bells with her.

I was of course, devastated, broken and distraught, but men weren't allowed to show that kind of emotions and so I buried them deep and soldiered on. Barely seeing my little girl for more than a couple of weeks each year and I know I got that all wrong too, instead of it being about her, I made her fit in with me, here in Forks. What small girl wants to go fishing with three old men, god I was such a fool.

I pushed Billy and Harry's kids on her, expecting her to just take to them easily every year. But she was more like me than I realised and although she wasn't happy, she was too afraid of upsetting me, to say anything, at first. Eventually, she herself put a stop to all that, demanding I come to her and I complied, knowing she was right.

So I spent the summers with her in Florida first of all, then in Arizona, Isabella loves the sun, even if she never tans at all. So when she called me, saying she would be attending UW this next fall, I was totally gobsmacked. Bells in rainy old Forks, voluntarily, the mind boggles! But she knows what she needs to get herself a great education, so I can't fault her for that.

That meant she would be coming to live with me, after all this time, she was coming home. I have a feeling she's also trying to put some space between herself and a failed relationship, back there in Phoenix. Hard that it is, for me to grasp, my daughter might have those kinds of needs. I don't like the thought of her being that grown-up, but she is and I will have to eventually.

Around the same time, Harry and I were meant to be going Ice fishing in Alaska, I was so psyched up for it and then he fell ill. So I went alone, no big deal I thought, being alone is the norm for me. So I went by myself and it changed my life forever, I met Irina and her family after being attacked by a starving bear.

They nursed me back to health and we became very close, okay we became lovers almost as soon as I healed. It was like being a young man again, I couldn't keep my hands off her. I also knew from the first moment, they were different, it wasn't just the skin and eyes, the not eating or sleeping. No, it was the memories, memories of Quileute bonfires and old men's tales of wolves and the cold ones!

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