chapter 1: Murder of the long family

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Jack Long was 8 years old he was at school because the day was a family reunion everyone was excited including Jake long the soon to be American Dragon. Jake got his schedule and headed home I was following him because I was his guardian well secret guardian and I sawn Jake enter his home at 3:40 and that's when I felt the desturbance what did I felt I felt him not the Dark Dragon but the stupid Huntsmaster I entered and I sawn Jake's family members bloody ripped to shreds and I went to find jake and I found him with his mom bloody but still alive I paused time but only for me to find Huntsmaster and he was behind Susan so she ordered me to get jake out of the house and I did so I took everything from Jake's room in including the books and I got out of there with Jake and I never looked back but when we did because jake
wanted to see his home I turned around and the police was there I just took some pics with my phone so I could show Lao Shi that the Huntsmaster struck the house and I tried calling him. ( by the way my ring tone wouldn't sound like mgs ring tone but I'm Puting it in because I love the game.)

I decided to try to wait outside of the house incase Huntsmaster decided to come back or Lao Shi comes home but the cops found us and put Jake in the hospital and I followed in the ambulance.

Austin Martindale the American dragons protector Where stories live. Discover now