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Rev!kevedd, image belongs to eyugho

Kevin was what most people would call a "geek." Kevin didn't deny it. He was tiny, horrible at sports, and good at almost all academics. As much as Kevin is labeled as a lover of math in school (which he was), his dream wasn't to become a mathematician or a physicist, but to do something in mechanics. Kevin considered becoming an engineer, but as much as the idea appealed to him, the opportunity of showing people how much of a man he could be in later years seemed even greater. He imagined himself going to his highschool reunion, arms toned, perhaps wearing a nice suit, and finally not being the beta in the pack of judgmental humans. There was only one problem, Kevin was not strong. Sure, he could carry a couple text books, but working car parts? Hell no.
Kevin told his parents about his aspirations. Although they were disappointed that there darling son wasn't going to become a hot shot scientist, they were supportive as always. His father even said he had an old schoolmate who owned a repair shop, and that he wouldn't mind having Kevin as an intern over the summer, he even had a boy his age who worked there! Kevin was ecstatic, but on the first day, he was sweating bullets. What if his boss expected him to be bigger? Or stronger? What if the owner only wants him to be his chore boy and nothing else? These questions were racing through Kevin's mind, he barely noticed his boss coming over to him. "Ah you must be Steve's boy! Kev right?" Kevin drifted away from his own paranoid thoughts and nodded at his future boss.
"Kevin is preferred, sir."
"Kev it is!" The owner gave a hearty laugh, and Kevin's thoughts were slowly pushed to the back of his mind. The man seemed nice, and not the kind to take advantage of worker with little knowledge of car shops. The owner slapped his grease rag over his shoulder, and walked Kevin over to the back of the shop. The owner brought up a stool and sat down. "My names Mr. Williams, but you can call me Lou. Now since your knew to the whole work force, you'll just be helping out my other worker putting newly repaired parts on the car. Steve tells me you have a pretty solid knowledge on mechanics though right? So you'll probably only being do this for a couple days before you can start helping repair parts on your own, the big boy stuff. Our other boy, Eddward, should help you fit in just fine. He should be coming any moment now actually."
Yes! This is exactly what Kevin needed. Not only would he get the experience he needed, but maybe he could get some muscle for next year! That would show Ed-
Did he say Eddward?
"Oh my citrouille~, what are you doing here?"

Oh no
Oh hell no
There was no he was working with-

"Ah Eddward my boy! Just in time, this our new intern, Kev, You'll be helping him adjust until he's ready to start fully working."
Kevin didn't need to turn around to see who his future coworker is. Kevin could feel the eyes burning into his body
"oh really?~ I get to work with my dear pumpkin all summer?"
Kevin felt a long lanky arm wrap around his shoulder, he barely concealed his flinch from the contact. It was definatly Eddward, his own personal bully. Sure most bullies beat the shit of you or torment you, but Eddward was a special case. Yeah he beat the shit out of other kids, and his cronies antagonized Kevin plenty of times, but Eddward seemed to favor Kevin. If you could call it that. Eddward tended to push Kevin up against a lockers, lazily drawl out his favorite nickname for him, citrouille, whenever Kevin was around, and seemed to enjoy making Kevin feel uncomfortable. No punches were ever thrown, no threatening notes, not even tripping him in the hallways so his papers went everywhere. Eddward loved to make squirm, and to Kevin, that made him the worst bully of all.
"Oh, do you two know each other?" asked the confused boss.
Oh, you blissfully unaware bastard. Kevin wasn't mad at his employer, he couldn't he have known that his employee was Kevin's #1 on his "People to Avoid at all costs." list. Kevin remembered that Eddward was pretty good at mechanics, but the fates seemed to like messing with him.
"Oh me and pumpkin go waaaay back."
Eddward drawled out, sending a barely noticeable smirk toward Kevin. That malicious smirk of his, reminding Kevin that he was the alpha in this relationship Eddward built for himself and Kevin.
"Perfect! Well I won't be in y'alls hair anymore, so you can get to work. Mrs. Knittle needs a bumper a changer, so start with that. You two have fun!"
Lou walked towards his office, slowly entering it.
"Oh don't worry-" Mr. Williams slammed the door to his office, and the arm around Kevin's shoulders constricted.
"We will."

The end

A/N: whew! *whipes away sweat* that took a while. This is the first chapter of my first oneshot series. So, hurray *pulls party popper* I'll probably update fairly regularly, considering I'm stuck at the library everyday waiting for my mom to pick me up from school
See you soon!

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