Part 1

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Monday , first day of the week , aka , worst week of the week.

"Theodore , it's eight-thirty so your already late for school , get out of your damn bed." Mom says after knocking on my door.

I groan at the thought of school. "Can't I just skip?" I ask hopefully , knowing damn well that she will never say yes.

"Go to school or I'll get your dad." She warns me and walks away.

I slowly get out of bed and dresses up. I puts my books in my bag fast and I walk downstairs and walk out of the house.

Fucking shit hole that it is. Mom never cleans it and dad is almost always away or he is with one of his affairs. I wonder if mom even knows it.

Even Ellie , my 12 year old sister knows what dad does. She even had to see it once , she came home a little to early.


School's boring , like always. Only two lessons today are actually not so boring , biology and science. The only two lessons of the day that Tom is in my class too.

Just one break left and then biology starts. Did I already told you that my boyfriend is Tom? Hah , now I did.

God I wish that I could tell everyone that he's mine but he made me promise that I won't ever tell anyone it. I don't exactly get it why he's so scared of people finding out.

Yes , most people of our school are homophobic but as long we are happy , I don't give a shit about them. 

Apparently Tom does.

The only times that me and Tom can actually talk and have some fun is in biology , science and in breaks. And even then he is still scared that people will find out , I don't even touch him or anything so I really don't get why he is so scared about it.

Right before summer break he told me that he loves me , I doubt it sometimes. He doesn't exactly shows me that he loves me.

I still remember our last fight we had about me thinking that he doesn't loves me. I will never forget what happened after that fight.

'flashback one week ago'

"Tom?" I ask while I clean our table.

"Hm?" he says and looks at me.

"Can we talk after class? I think that it's kin-"

"You know that we can't talk out of school."

"It's really important bab-" I try to say but he slaps his hand on my mouth and whispers "don't call me that , there are people here." And he takes his hand off my mouth.

"Fine , but it's still really important."

"Theo , we can't , okay?" he says and looks away.

"No , it's not okay. We need to talk." I say while raising my voice slightly.

He sighs and looks at me for a few seconds and then mumbles "I'll try to work something out.."

I smile and continue focusing on cleaning our table.


I open the door from the old empty math classroom and smile when I see Tom standing in the room.

"Close the door." He orders.

I close the door behind me and look at him , noticing that he looks nervous.

"So what did you wanted to talk about?" he asks me and looks at me.

"Before break , you told me that you love me.."

He smiles and nods "Of course I do."

"I don't think that I really believe that anymore.." I whisper while avoiding his gaze.

He chuckles and smiles at me but after a few moments the smile fades.

"Your not joking?" He asks.

"I wish I was joking."

"You actually think that I don't love you anymore after being with you for one and a half year?"

"I thought that after one and a half year , you would be finally okay with being open but here we are after one and a half year , still keeping it a secret."

"We have to , Theodore." He snapped.

"No we don't , we can be open." I whisper.

"Theodore. How many times do I have to tell you what will happen if we go open? Father and Mother would definitely send me to a camp that is supposed to make me straight. They would definitely kick me out of the house because it isn't just a boy , it's a Northwicher. Did you forget what Hillfar's think about Northwichers? And what about my reputation , it would be gone."

"So you basically don't want to go open because it would have consequences for you?" I say.

"Love , it would have conseque-"

"I don't care about the fucking consequences! I care about us. I care about us being happy together."

"I care about that too baby but-"

"No , no 'but's'! I don't have the feeling that you love me! You never text me , we only talk 6 hours in a week. God , we've been together for one and a half year and we still haven't kissed once! I am almost fucking seventeen and I'm still a virgin in everything!" I say and look at him with slightly tears in my eyes.

"We did kiss baby.." he says and lays his hand on my cheek.

"A peck on the lips doesn't counts , Tom."

"I'm sorry...okay? I know that we don't talk much but we don't have an other choi-"

"We do. Just be open about our relationship...if you don't want to...I think it will be the best to break up."

I say while nervously biting my lip.

'dammit , just say yes Tom!' I think to myself.

He frowns and strokes my cheek with his thumb.

"Let me think about it till Monday next week , okay? I'll tell you in biology then." He says.

I slowly nod "Okay.."

"Close your eyes baby." he whispers.

I frown but close my eyes. Suddenly I feel lips against mine and they start to move , I slowly start to kiss back.

Just when it was getting really enjoyable , he pulls away. I open my eyes and look at him shocked.

"I love you." He whispers softly and looks me in the eyes.

"I love you too." I whisper back with a small smile and kiss him again.

He pulls away and smiles "Go , I'll talk to you on Monday."

I smile and walk to the door. 

"Theo?" Tom asks.

I turn around and look at him.

"You're a good kisser." he says while smiling.

I start to blush slightly and I walk out of the classroom.


1149 Words-

Hey guys , this is the first chapter. I'm sorry for making it so small. Next time there will be a 3000+ words chapter.

XoXo Romy <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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