Chapter 1

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"I'm going. I'm ending this." Sam is so pale and she's literally shaking at this point.

"No, you're not. Are you crazy?" Deena has tears in her eyes as she approaches Sam.

Sam grabbes the brunette's face and pulls their foreheads together. It almost feels like they're the only two person in this room. It makes them forget about the monsters that are after them. It makes them forget about the danger and it makes them feel the love that had been growing inside of them day after day ever since they met.

But this moment of peace doesn't last long. Sam pulls her hands away and turns away from her crying lover. And it breaks her heart to see Deena like this but she's doing it for her and for her friends. So even if it kills her to see the brunette crying and screaming after her she knows that it would kill her even more to see Deena, Kate, Simon or Josh dead.

"No! No! Sam!" She hears Deena's hoarse voice yelling after her but someday the brunette will understand that this is for the best. She's sacrificing herself so the others can live. So Deena can live. "Sam! Sam!"

But Sam doesn't know that Deena doesn't want to live without the blonde girl. That all Deena ever wanted was to be with Sam, to hold her and protect her from this cruel world which tears them apart.

"Let me go! Let me...Sam!"

So even when Sam is no longer in the room she still cries, screams and fights with Simon to let her go. To let her save Sam even if she doesn't know how to do it. Even if it would cost her own life she would protect the girl she deeply loves.

"Let me go! Help me! Help!" Deena turns to Josh who is completely lost in her head, trying to figure out something that could help them.

"We're letting her die! We're killing her!" She desperately tries to make them understand how much this kills her. To know that you just got back the person you love only to lose them again, forever.

She tries to make them understand that Sam may be the one who faces death right now in the hallway but it hurts Deena just the same.

She can imagine it. The tall, blonde girl standing alone, fear in her blue eyes. Screaming at herself to move, to don't let herself die like this but she won't because there's nowhere to run.

"Please! Please!" She's a mess by now, tears in her eyes, pleading to the three faces in the room, to let her go after Sam. To let them have a chance.

They can't stop this, they all know it. Deena knows it but she won't accept it. She will fight for Sam till the very end.

And with that last thought she kicks Simon and while the boy is distracted by the sudden pain she pushes him out of the way.

There's no one who would block her path because Kate is sitting on the floor next to Josh and by the time she realizes what Deena is up to it's too late to stop it.

The brunette is out the door in a mere second. Sam doesn't even have time to process what is happening because Deena already took her hand and she's dragging her down the hallway running as fast as she can.

"What is happening?" Sam asks the panicked brunette who's holding the other girl's hand so tightly, Sam is afraid she's going to break it.

"Deena! Stop!" Sam comes to a halt which causes Deena to stop and look at her.

"We have to go! Now!" She's frantically looking around, trying to decide which way to go.

"Where? What is going on?"

But Sam doesn't get an answer to her question because Deena is already started running again, the blonde girl trailing closely behind her.

"I'm not letting you die, okay? I'll figure something out..." They come to a stop again when they reach a hallway that leads to three more other hallways.

Watching You Fade | Sam x Deenaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن