love song.

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I wrote it so plz dont steal it.

Have you ever felt like you didn't matter?

never will you need to feel that way

Cause I'm here to stay

How is it that no one heard you say

"Maybe I should just go away"

But please babe, stay.

Never will you have to feel that way

Cause babe I'm here to stay.

You still mean the world to me

And one day I'll make you see

How much you truly mean to me.

Have you ever felt like you have were a waste of space?

But, you have a special place with me

And, yea maybe I'm not that smart

But I know I love you.

Please dont push me away

Cause babe ill always be here

And I'm here to stay.

You still mean the world to me

And one day I'll make you see

How much you really mean to me.

So babe please stay

Cause I'm not going away.

Why cant you see, I care

And I'm still not going anywhere.

Babe I'm gonna stay

Even to your dismay

I'm still gonna stay...

I care

And I'll be for you anywhere.

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