Chapter 1

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"Yes this is Louis Tomlinson speaking."

"Thank you so much."

"Yes I will be there."

The call ended and he screamed at the top of his lungs. "I got the job at Styles co." He ran up and down his apartment and saw his roommate, Zayn sleeping his ass off. He jumped on him and screamed. "What?" Zayn groaned sleepily. "I got the job at Styles co. I start tomorrow."

"That's amaZAYN Lou! But now get off me and let me sleep." Louis laughed at his roommate and best friend  of four years. They met at the uni and now were flatmates. Louis immediately called his mom to tell the good news.


"Yes sir. He will be joining from tomorrow." Harry's assistant, Kayla said to him.

"What position did he apply for?" Harry asked while going through some contract, with a company he made a deal with today.

"Marketing assistant manager." Kayla said in her high pitched voice.

Harry smirked and said, "he would have to earn that position."

"What do you mean sir?" She asked confused.

"You will see."


"Do I look presentable Zayn?" Louis asked him while pacing around his room. He was wearing a white button down shirt and black jeans with his signature Toms.

"Yes Lou. You look presentable and sexC." Zayn said honestly.

"Okay I look good. I just have to not mess up when I get there."  Louis said while taking deep breaths. "You'll do just fine Louis. Be you." Zayn said assuringly.

"Yeah, I can do that. I can do that." And he left his apartment.

"I can't do it. I can't do it." He chanted as he stood in front of the huge and amazing building which has 'Styles Co.' written in massive letters. The building overall was gorgeous. He took a final deep breath and went inside the building. The interior of the building was darn good, there were white walls with shade of black and grey in between. There was a massive screen on one corner, in which all the massive award the company has got, were shown. He saw a table at the centre. There was a blonde lady sitting behind it and was working on her computer. He looked around and saw that everyone looked busy. No one was just sitting and passing time, they were seriously working, with dedication. He approached the lady behind the desk and asked where did he have to go to meet with Harry Styles. The lady gave her the details and a file. He thanked the lady and went to lift to reach the 11th floor. The lift opened with a ding as he reached the designated floor. The tension on this floor was just way too much for him. There were only about 10 people here and a massive looking room across the hall. There was a huge brown door to the room, which he presumed was his boss's room. He went to stand near the door and knocked on it, after a minute or so, he heard a muffled "come in." 

There was a man, a good looking one at that, sitting at the desk. He was wearing a black expensive looking suit and was going through some files. The man looked very intimidating and that made Louis more nervous. He waited for a minute, but the man in front of him wasn't keen on paying attention to him. He cleared his throat and said, "Good morning sir."

The man looked up from the papers and smirked. "You must be Louis?"

"Yes sir."

"Very well, you must have been handed some papers. Arrange them and you will be handed an ipad with my schedule, fix it and email me. There is a desk with your name on it beside the room. And yes get me coffee." Harry said.

Louis was shocked, he applied for marketing managers assistant, not his assistant. He said politely, "Excuse me sir, but I applied for marketing assistant not your assistant."

"You have to earn every position here. Chop chop." Harry said.

Louis curtly nodded and left the room. As he was out of the room, he groaned and went to get some coffee for his boss.

After hours of working hiss ass off, which meant running errands for Harry and clearing his schedule for a dinner. He was finally done for the day. It was just his first day, and he already wanted to quit. Afterall Harry was not wrong about working your way up. He packed his stuff and decided to check in with Harry. He knocked on the door and entered when he was allowed.

Harry was sitting in his chair looking at his computer. Harry looked up at him as in to ask what.

"I was about to leave. Do you want anything else sir?" Louis asked.

Harry smirked and said, "Nopes. But be on time tomorrow, I hate peopel who are late and I don't give second chances." Louis gulped and then nodded.

He turned on his heel to leave the room and maybe Harry checked him out, maybe.

Yes Boss! ~ L.S.Where stories live. Discover now