{1} - Intro

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Dani's POV

I'm Dani and I'm 17 years old. My best friend is Christopher Velez. He's charming, lovable, and extremely popular at our school whereas I'm boring and not liked at our school in the slightest.

For some reason everybody hates me but nobody bullies me because they know Chris is my best friend.

You're probably wondering how the most popular guy in school is best friends with the least popular girl. That's because our parents are best friends so we grew up together our whole lives.

This year is my Junior year and I've decided it's time I make a couple of friends because let's face it. Spending Friday nights alone at this age is just depressing. So I went and asked Chris how he thinks I should make friends.

When he told me he had a good idea I didn't think that meant he'd pretend to be my boyfriend...

"Chris that's a terrible idea" I said. "You think I'd be that bad of a boyfriend?" He asked. "You know that's not what I mean" I said. "For one, who the hell's going to believe we're dating?" I asked. "We're already best friends so it wouldn't come as that much of a shock" He said. "I wasn't done" I said. "Another thing, JUST WHY??" I said.

"Look let me lay it out for you" he said. "If you're my girlfriend rather anybody likes it or not, they have to like you and be nice to you and once they get to know you the way I do, they'll love you and actually want to be your friend" He said.

"That's it? That's your big plan?" I said. "And when do we stop fake dating?" I asked. "When you make real friends. We can stage a whole scene but say we're still friends and things will just go back to normal" He said.

"And again I say. THAT'S A TERRIBLE IDEA" I said. "School starts tomorrow, do you have a better one?" He asked. "No" I said. "Then guess I'll see you tomorrow babe" He said kissing me on the cheek and leaving.

Over the years I've let Chris talk me into doing a lot of crazy things but this is definetly the craziest idea he's ever had and quite honestly I have no other choice but to go with it.


This chapter is purposely short because it's meant to be just a cute lil intro into this book but normally I write a lot more. I just got this idea out of the blue and because this is different from what I normally write, I don't really know where it's going to go but I hope it turns out good and you guys like it :)♡

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