lil salvatore

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Disclaimer:lil salvatore is my character and all others belong to LJ Smith and Julie Plecc.(sorry if I spelt julies last name wrong)Enjoy:)

There i was,standing there not able to move.I was frightened,I felt as if my body was malfunctioning.Then it came dashing my way.It was about to destroy me,kill me... Then dad zoomed in and saved me while uncle Stefan was right behind him.I meant everything,The Whole World to them.Nobody hurt me physically or mentally with out being dead before midnight.We drove home(dad doesn't like speed running with me 'it's too dangerous' I know he want me to have fun but if I got hurt and it was his fault he feel guilty for the rest of his eternal life.

Are home is cloaked and protected by magic,Aunty BonBon did it.I mean she didn't want to .. but bc it was dad that was asking,she did.

By the way you don't know me yet do you.Im Lj Salvatore or as dad calls me lil salvatore,I'm 14 years old,My dad is Damon Salvatore and my mum is ... Well I don't know who she is only dad knows.He's never told anyone who she is.

"Dad ?"
"Yeah Lj"
"Who is my mum ?"
"Lj,you know I can't tell you that!"dad said before walking into the next room.

"Stefan,she's asking about her mum again,I can't lie to her any more"
"Well you've never told me who it is"
"Shushhhhhhh,she's a witch she did a spell and because she betrayed her coven she bálame a human"
"Ohhhhhhh thats why you called Lj Lj"
"Duh mr hero hair"
As Lj was listening she went to the only person she knew that could 100% help her find her mum ...
As I searched the name Larni I scrolled for hours for someone who looked like me.
Finally I found some one
'Larni Johnson,34,lived in the Uk.
Stealing her uncles car keys and my dads money then drives to the airport.......

Do you want a another chapter ?🧐

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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