Chapter 1

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Hey, so before the chapter starts, I just wanna say, that I'm really lazy to write the origin story, I have some cool ideas for my fic, but it feels bogged down with my lazy writing, Izuku has a sad backstory, but I can't be bothered, so we're just gonna start with him already in the job of killing heroes, so without further ado, lessgo


It wasn't easy. Being Stain's Apprentice was hard, apart from early morning and the late nights where I'd most likely be asleep, most of my day is constant panting, my body having to endure the painful training, but I remind myself that it's the only way to prove that I am, the quirkless, that is, am strong, just like the ones with a quirk.

Stain taught me well and I fucking knew it, as I pull out the sword from a heart of Green Bag, it was difficult, but in the end, hr suffered the same mortal fate as the rest of us. "Phew~" I sighed. "Pretty good, huh Stain?" I asked, with a thumbs up, looking for his approval. "Good job, kid, I'm sure we're one step closer to changing the world." he said, a smirky type, yet proud smile

Whenever he smiles that way, it gives me an odd sense of purpose, what is this feeling? That I've made him proud? Or he's proud of me? I don't know, but I'm sure I could do this all night.

"C'mon." he said, gesturing his hands. "Backup would be here, soon." he said, jumping to side stairs you see on buildings, I still am at an absolute state of awe whenever I see him jump on the side of the wall, slamming his feet to jump on the side stairs. I did the same as we were now at the top of the building. We ran, and ran and ran, hopping from roof to roof to evade the forces of those fake heroes...

The thrill though. The absolute thrill of having to run and dodge and escape the heroes and occasional police, the wind blowing in my face, the chill of the night air as we, from afar, looking like silhouettes, ran and ran, we were like Forrest Gump, man.

At first, it was terrifying, the rising anxiety of the police catching us made me feel sick, even worse since I felt like puking when I killed my first hero, back when I was still new and wasn't as well versed in jumping and running, when my legs were less beefy and more like sticks with joints.

"Okay, kid, in here!" he said, as we were on the top floor of a multi-storey parking lot, far away from the heroes. We jumped from the top, as everything felt like slow-motion as it went back to feeling like normal speed again as we jumped behind a Hardware Store, I pointed Stain to a billboard.

"There, look Stain! A billboard!" I yelled. "Hey, kid, you really wanna do that again?" Stain asked. "Yeah! It worked the first time!" I yelled. "Okay, shush, just be quiet, boy."

Me and Stain hid behind the billboard. I vaguely, as in, very vaguely overhear a conversation.

"Well, sorry, we lost them, again." I heard a male voice said, pausing until when he said the word "again"

"Goddamn it!" I heard another male voice yell, his voice was very burly and deep, raging with boiling anger.

Actually, no, it wasn't with boiling anger, boiling evokes the visuals of a red, hot and burning kettle or literal boiler of water

This was a very dry anger, dry of any passion, only wanting to finally capture us, unknowing that we're right under their noses, or upwards their noses.

As we hopped through the roofs, through different buildings, we made it to a small warehouse, the warehouse was an abandoned one, but was it really abandoned if people still live in it? There was a ramp in the corner which lead to a bathroom, dirty and abandoned and I was there once, saw a toilet sprayed over with diarrhoea, never got in again

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