eyes meet (corny)

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hiw the fuck do i start fanfics

*random ass alarm that starts fanfics*
"ughhggg stfu dumbass alarm" i groaned as i got out of the bed to turn off the alarm.

"i woke up at 6pm? i need to fix my sleep schedule." i grab my phone and check twitter and see's cj's recent tweet

"So excited for the big concert tonight! cant wait to see you all at 8pm!!" i sit still for a moment processing the message as i still feel a little sleepy.

cj, the famous singer everyone loves is hosting a concert.

"OH SHIT, I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT CJ'S CONCERT TONIGHT" i run to the shower trying to get ready fast enough so i won't be late for the concert.

i'm y/n. i'm a huge fan of cj and his crew. personally i like cj the most cuz yaknow, he has a great voice and to be honest he's so attractive. ever night i fantasize about us being together doing cute couple shit but we don't talk about that..

i jump out the shower and change into my clothes. i check the time and it's 6:40 pm. "shit the drive is 1 hour. i hope i can make it.."

i grab my keys and drive to the concert hoping i make it in time. i pull up in the driveway and head my way into the concert.

looks like i made it in time. i walk into the crowd and it seems they are waiting for the concert to start.

minutes pass and the lights go on. i see cj and of course, he's as handsome as ever. even cuter in real life 😋😋

"i'm so glad you guys made it tonight! is everyone ready? alright, its showtime!" cj exclaimed.

as the beat starts i stare into cj's eyes. wow. i cant get over how cute he is.. i hope i have one of those cliche moments like in fanfics with him. but what are the odds. lol.

i bring out my phone to record it hoping he takes off his shirt and throws it in the crowd but he's not justin bieber so i'm not expecting much lmfao

i'm not even paying attention to the music. i'm only concentrating on how stunning he is. wow...- WAIT DID HE JUST MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH ME FOR 2 SECONDS?? OMG HE DID??

i can already feel my cheeks burning up.
"holy shit.. my dreams are coming true!!"

hours past and eventually the concert ended. i am still processing what happened. i mean, he only looked at me for 2 seconds but it felt so good. i am going to savour these moments.. wait.. I RECORDED IT! I RECORDED HIM LOOKING AT ME OMG THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE HOLY SHIT!!

i run to my car screaming, still in shock to what just happened. maybe i'm overreacting but it's not everyday you get looked at by a famous hottie

i drive home tired as shit from the screaming. i rewatch the video for about 2 more hours before hitting the hay then i pass out.

end of chapter 1!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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